best strixhaven commander deck

The black and white driven Silverquill Statement Strixhaven deck features 100 cards. A simple but powerful ... [STX] Strixhaven Stadium. If you’re set up to take advantage of it, this spell can end games quickly. Our Privacy Policy. Planeswalker Decks |This is a 60-card deck, centered around a Planeswalker card. Lorehold being historians and archaeologists feels really in line with the Boros’ grandeur while bringing a new flavor to it. The deck does suffer a little against Ugin ramp decks, but those are becoming less and less common with Dimir and Gruul taking over the metagame. 1. {7}{G} • Creature — Wurm Ever imagine what it would be like to go to class in the Magic universe? And there you have it: the best of what Strixhaven has to offer. 5 – Strixhaven Stadium. Feather already has so much card advantage, but she’ll always take more. Its best use is to lead the charge as the cornerstone of your deck, but it can probably fit into your 99 as well. The Quandrix Strixhaven Commander Deck set includes 1 ready-to-play deck of 100 Magic cards, 10 double-sided tokens, 1 life tracker, 1 deck box (can hold 100 sleeved cards), and 1 reference card, all in reduced-plastic packaging. Both the reprints and the new cards we’re getting this year seem to be more interesting than what we got in the last few sets of precons. It’s Beast Whisper, but for instants and sorceries. Starter decks are recommended for new players while Preconstructed Decks can be a bit more difficult to master. Those precons will be packed with sweet cards, but don’t forget that Standard format cards still have potential to wreak havoc in the wider Commander format.. Naturally, splashy legendary creatures are all potential new commanders, and Strixhaven has more than a few to offer. The Tap & Sac team sat down to compare notes, and like many … [STX] Killian, Ink Duelist. Tap it. To say this card is pushed is an understatement. Omnath, Locus of Creation Commander Primer – Decklist & How to Play. 13 of the cards make their debut in this commander deck. It creates a pillow fort defense and gives small advantages to your opponents to ensure they’ll take care of each other. Commander precons don’t really tend to be competitive-ready out of the box. Saturday -- 11:00am - 5:00pm In Strixhaven, the Lorehold school cares a great deal about artifacts and the graveyard, not to mention good old-fashioned red-white aggro and burn effects. Product is sealed. Discarding cards to draw is a big part of how red draws cards, and making the cost more forgiving is something I’m always happy to see. Osgir, the Reconstructor | Illustration by Victor Adame Minguez, Alibou, Ancient WitnessAngel of the RuinsAudacious ReshapersBosh, Iron GolemBronze GuardianBurnished HartCombustible GearhulkDigsite EngineerDuplicantFeldon of the Third PathHellkite IgniterHellkite TyrantHoard-Smelter DragonJor Kadeen, the PrevailerLaelia, the Blade ReforgedLosheel, Clockwork ScholarMeteor GolemMyr BattlespherePia NalaarPilgrim’s EyeQuicksmith GeniusRuin GrinderSanctum GargoyleScrap TrawlerSolemn SimulacrumSteel HellkiteSteel OverseerSun TitanThopter EngineerTriplicate Titan, Chain ReactionCleansing NovaExcavation TechniqueFaithless LootingReconstruct HistoryRip ApartRoutSecret RendezvousWake the Past, Arcane SignetArchaeomancer’s MapBattlemage’s BracersBoros LocketCommander’s SphereCursed MirrorDispeller’s CapsuleHedron ArchiveIchor WellspringKey to the CityMind StoneMycosynth WellspringSculpting SteelSol RingThousand-Year ElixirUnstable Obelisk, Mountain x12Plains x8Ancient DenBattlefield ForgeBoros GarrisonCommand TowerDarksteel CitadelExotic OrchardForgotten CaveGreat FurnaceLorehold CampusMyriad LandscapePhyrexia’s CoreRogue’s PassageSecluded SteppeSlayers’ StrongholdStudy HallSunhome, Fortress of the LegionTemple of the False GodTemple of Triumph. Each deck is unique and built around a main color, embracing its strongest archetype and strategy. There are myriad ways to get access to additional untaps per turn, many of which involve processing Beledros through the graveyard and back to play. This has been true basically since the product exists. Breena, the Demagogue. This deck has obtained 300 upvotes! Breena, the Demagogue | Illustration by Simon Dominic, Angel of SerenityAuthor of ShadowsBold PlagiaristBoreas ChargerCombat CalligrapherDeathbringer RegentDeathbringer LiegeElite ScaleguardFain, the BrokerFelisa, Fang of SilverquillGuardian ArchonHunted LammasuKeen DuelistKnight of the White OrchidMagister of WorthNecropolis RegentNils, Discipline EnforcerOreskos ExplorerOrzhov AdvokistScholarship SponsorSelfless SquireStalking LeoninSunscorch RegentTeysa, Envoy of GhostsWindborn MuseZetalpa, Primal Dawn, FractureInkshieldOblationStinging StudyUtter End, Ambition’s CostIncarnation TechniqueInfernal OfferingPromise of LoyaltySecret RendezvousTragic Arrogance, Citadel SiegeCunning RhetoricCurse of DisturbanceDuelist’s HeritageDebtors’ KnellGhostly PrisonMartial ImpetusParasitic ImpetusSoul SnareTogether ForeverVow of Duty, Arcane SignetBloodthirsty BladeCoveted JewelMind StoneOrzhov SignetPendant of ProsperitySol RingSpectral SearchlightTempting ContractVictory Chimes, Plains x14Swamp x10Barren MoorBojuka BogCaves of KoilosCommand TowerExotic OrchardMikokoro, Center of the SeaMyriad LandscapeOpal PalaceOrzhov BasilicaRogue’s PassageSecluded SteppeSilverquill CampusStudy HallTainted FieldTemple of the False GodTemple of Silence. Zephyr Boots are a nice cheap option for budget Voltron Equipment decks. I have to admit that, as a college student myself, I’m super excited for the new Strixhaven cards and lore. This year’s best option is Quantum Quandrix. Omnath, Locus of Creation is the fourth iteration of this elemental creature, this time it’s capable of wielding blue, red, green, and white mana. Willowdusk, Essence Seer | Illustration by Jesper Ejsing, Ageless EntityBloodtrackerBloodthirsty AerialistBlossoming BogbeastDefiant BloodlordDina, Soul SteeperEpicure of BloodEzzaroot ChannelerGluttonous TrollGyome, Master ChefHonor TrollLeyline ProwlerMarshland BloodcasterNoxious GearhulkSangromancerSapling of ColfenorSilversmote GhoulSproutback TrudgeTivash, Gloom SummonerVampire NighthawkVeinwitch CovenVerdant Sun’s AvatarYedora, Grave Gardener, Mortality SpearPulse of MurasaReckless SpiteSuffer the Past, Ancient CravingCultivateDamnable PactDeadly TempestEssence PulseFeed the SwarmGaze of GraniteHealing TechniqueNissa’s RenewalPest InfestationRampant GrowthRevival ExperimentTaste of Death, Blight MoundGreedGift of ParadiseMoldervine ReclamationSanguine BondTrudge Garden, Alhammarret’s ArchiveArcane SignetDruidic SatchelElixir of ImmortalityLoxodon WarhammerParadise PlumePristine TalismanSol RingSun DropletTalisman of ResilienceVenser’s JournalWell of Lost Dreams, Forest x11Swamp x11Blighted WoodlandCommand TowerExotic OrchardGingerbread CabinGolgari Rot FarmHigh MarketJungle HollowLlanowar WastesMyriad LandscapeRadiant FountainRogue’s PassageSapseep ForestStudy HallTainted WoodTemple of the False GodTemple of MaladyWitch’s ClinicWitherbloom Campus. Commander isn't only one of the most popular Magic formats - it's also how a lot of people learn to play. The latest Brawl decks with high win rates or event wins from MTG Arena, sourced with the MTGA Assistant extension. Found insideDiscover the monstrous realm of Ikoria in this thrilling story, inspired by Magic: The Gathering's card set Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths! We’ve had Teferi’s Protection. Thankfully, there are numerous ways to both protect and make the token unblockable in Quandrix colors, so expect to see this at tables a decent amount of the time. Learn from the best professors and explore Strixhaven’s huge library. Adrix and Nev, Twincasters are a new Simic (Green, Blue) Commander, joining the Magic: the Gathering multiverse, from MTG’s newest set, Strixhaven and Commander 2021. Kristen Gregory April 5, 2021 Commander, Design. 23. good EDH products with a more accessible price. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Having a repeatable tutor is a very powerful thing, and that’s what Oriq Loremage offers us in Chainer. Contains 17 new cards – the most of any Commander set ever! The only options available in 2011 were Kemba, Kha Regent or Raksha Golden Cub. After all, the latter ended up costing about half the price. Each dorm represents one of Magic’s two-color combinations, … Osgir, the Reconstructor. That’s right we’re talking about my favorite magic format, Commander. Let me know on Twitter if I missed anything worth getting. Wandering Archaic manages to tick both boxes! Wizards of the Coast dropped the names and colors of the five preconstructed Commander decks within the Strixhaven: School of Mages set. It cares about tapped artifacts so it would make for an interesting artifacts and artifact creatures build. As for the D&D set. The black and white driven Silverquill Statement Strixhaven deck features 100 cards. I really like how Silverquill Statement and Witherbloom Witchcraft lean into the original strategies for their colors. "A D & D product created in partnership with Critical Role"--Cover. I’m not a fan of going back to a higher price tag when Wizards showed that we can have good EDH products with a more accessible price. Hitting a nonland permanent is great, and any ways that we can build more redundancy in our decks are welcome additions. Free standard shipping. The original motivation for this deck was the desire to use The Kaldra Set and assemple Legendary Avatar to the board. While there are some fun cards I have been looking at for other decks, I unfortunately won't be adding any cards from the set at this time. Individual Commander Decks are not available for early pickup. Any way to make Rogue’s Passage cheaper is a win in my book. The copyright for Magic: the Gathering and all associated card names and card images is held by Wizards of the Coast. And all the other money cards in the deck aren’t far behind what the rest of the decks have to offer. So they've revealed all 5 main legendaries for this year's Commander set. Lorehold Command | Illustration by Jason Rainville. What we do get are better cards and higher quality foils. Magic: The Gathering Strixhaven: School of Mages Commander Deck - Prismari Performance. As with the Ikoria Commander decks, this time we’re getting five decks that act as solid worldbuilding tools. Commander 2021 / Strixhaven Commander. Learn from the best professors and explore Strixhaven’s huge library!One of Magic's most popular formats is also a great way 950. All Standard BO1 Traditional Standard Historic BO1 Traditional Historic Brawl Limited. Alongside Mask of Memory and Akiri, Fearless Voyager, you’ll be happy to have another source of card draw. Stay tuned for my review of the best of Commander 2021 later this week! Grab your quill — school’s about to start. Prismari being artists instead of crazy scientists and engineers like the Izzet seems like an almost natural evolution. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Strixhaven brings that imagination to life. It seems to Kristen, though, that red is currently Magic ’s Golden Child. Geek out and get the best value on Preconstructed Decks Strixhaven Commander 2021 - Prismari Performance for only CAD$ 49.99 at Topdeck Hero. Discussion. In very Izzet fashion, this deck centers around casting and copying instants and sorceries. Fully embrace Strixhaven with one of each of all five colleges' Commander Decks. Jam it all together. As a member of the Commander Advisory Group, Kristen lives and breathes Commander. Culling Ritual might seem like it has a low floor; Dockside Extortionist is similarly hit-or-miss on lower-power tables. Each Strixhaven Commander 2021 - Set of 5 contains: 1x Lorehold Legacies Commander Deck 1x Silve They are themed after Strixhaven colleges, and today we'll take a look at each one and go over the strategies so you can pick the deck that's best suited for your playstyle.You can find the full decklists here: Decks:Lorehold Legacies: Artifact ReanimationPrismari Performance: Storm/Big SpellsQuantum Quandrix: Token DoublingSilverquill Statement: TREACHERYWitherbloom Witchcraft: Lifegain and +1/+1 counters--------------------------------------------Support this channel by using my Amazon Affiliate link. Phenomenal Cosmic Power! Once the political scheme in motion, it uses a variety of creatures to take other players out of the game. The deck, led by Breena, the Demagogue, plays strongly into the Silverquill’s theme of debate and politics. Dack Fayden goes on a quest to find magical knowledge and track down the people responsible for destroying his town. Having a lot of artifact creatures and equipment helps maintain the aggro strengths of the two colors while giving them a new and original angle. Free shipping. Don’t forget to check out our blog and follow us on social media for more great articles. The new Strixhaven Commander 2021 decks are a great way to explore this new world. Planeswalker Decks |This is a 60-card deck, centered around a Planeswalker card. Commander: You want this card in the command zone at the start the game. If you can’t afford the pricier cards like Sword of Fire and Ice, Zephyr Boots is a decent enough option, particularly as it grants evasion. Simic leaving biology on the side for a while to become Quandrix and focus on math also feels like a logical path to follow. The problem here is that the size of most Commander decks has just increased from 100 cards to 100 cards plus whatever size of sideboard. And what are my own personal picks? He's a clear Vorthos and big fan of the lore of the Magic universe. Strixhaven’s Secret Sauce is Red Mana. Hitting a nonland permanent is great, and any ways that we can build more redundancy in our decks are welcome additions. Mavinda, Students' Advocate: The only monocolored legendary creature in the set, Mavinda introduces us immediately to the two main themes of Harness Infinity - 1BBBGGG. We’ve had Cosmic Intervention, and Akroma’s Will, too. Mortality Spear is an incredibly efficient spell in the right deck, and one I’m actually a little surprised to see turn up without white. Find that there’s a common color between the two. Students of the Prismari incorporate the arts into their magic, or maybe it’s the other way around for some of them. Having gotten decent mileage from the likes of Vampiric Rites and Disciple of Bolas, I’m all for more Aristocrats-style draw. Let’s get into their decklists and strategies so we can choose our majors! Speaking of ratings, I don’t use numbers or grades – I use this more subjective scale for this strixhaven commander set review. Adventure. Discovery. Riches for the taking. This is why I sail.” —Captain Lannery Storm Deep in the heart of Ixalan’s verdant jungle lies a treasure beyond imagining. So without checking for card prices, which could make a big difference, we’re getting more or less the same things that we did in the last decks for double the price tag. Zaffai, Thunder Conductor | Illustration by Dmitry Burmak, Charmbreaker DevilsCrackling DrakeDazzling SphinxDiluvian PrimordialDualcaster MageErratic CyclopsEtali, Primal StormHumble DefectorInferno ProjectLiving LoreNaru Meha, Master WizardOctavia, Living ThesisRadiant PerformerRionya, Fire DancerRootha, Mercurial ArtistSly InstigatorStorm-Kiln ArtistTalrand, Sky SummonerVeyran, Voice of DualityWildfire Devils, AetherspoutsBrainstormDig Through TimeFiery FallReinterpretResculptSeething SongTraumatic Visions, Aether GaleApex of PowerBlasphemous ActBrass’s BountyCall the SkybreakerCreative TechniqueElemental MasterpieceEpic ExperimentExpressive IterationFaithless LootingFiery EncoreInspiring RefrainMana GeyserMind’s DesireMuse VortexPonderRousing RefrainSerum VisionsSurge to VictoryTreasure CruiseVolcanic Vision, Metallurgic SummoningsSunbird’s InvocationSwarm Intelligence, Arcane SignetElementalist’s PaletteHedron ArchiveIzzet SignetLetter of AcceptanceMind StonePyromancer’s GogglesSol RingTalisman of Creativity, Blighted CataractCommand TowerDesert of the FerventDesert of the MindfulExotic OrchardForgotten CaveIsland x10Izzet BoilerworksLonely SandbarMage-Ring NetworkMemorial to GeniusMountain x9Myriad LandscapePrismari CampusReliquary TowerScavenger GroundsShivan ReefStudy HallTemple of EpiphanyTemple of the False God. He pulls double duty as a way to reduce the cost of removal, but also as a way to pull off a White-Black Enchantress build. It’s quite good against tokens, too. This secondary general leaves aside the more political aspects of the deck and focuses more strongly on putting counters on other creatures. Magic The Gathering Strixhaven: School of Mages Commander 5-Deck Case. When someone asks what cards are best for Commander, it isn’t always clear that “best” means “strongest.” Some cards are the best because they offer a fun play experience. If there weren’t enough reasons to try out Kykar, Lorehold Apprentice should convince you. Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander Review, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Draft Guide, Commander Cards to Pick Up for 2021 Rotation, 5 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Cards to Watch in Standard, Midnight Hunt Commander Upgrade Guide: Undead Unleashed, Top 5 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Cards for Modern, Mila, Crafty Companion // Lukka, Wayward Bonder, Wandering Archaic // Explore the Vastlands. 1 foil etched Display Commander. Temur Ramp essentially takes the best of both worlds with these two decks and sticks them together. We can stick to the topic of cEDH for a moment, actually. These are the value plays that will keep the deck ticking, and the ones you should be sure to check out. Guaranteed low prices on Magic: The Gathering - Strixhaven: School of Mages Commander Deck (CASE). Free shipping for many products! With Adrix and Nev, Twincasters as your general, you already get a huge advantage for token creation. Find the decks you can build with your collection. Casting this on curve gets you an 80/80 or bigger on average, and that’s something the table has to deal with. Introducing more cards than any Commander Decks before them—each Strixhaven Commander Deck includes 16 cards created specifically for that deck, plus one land found across all five decks. Not to mention that having a set that’s all about attending college when most, if not all of us, have had to stick to online classes for the past year feels almost like a gift from the Magic team. $191.44. Found insideA vampire attack reunites childhood friends Yuichiro and Mika, though they now face each other from opposing sides of the battlefield. The black and green natural sciences students’ main subject of research is life and death. It’s not even the worst if you hard-cast it. 23. While there are obvious auto-includes in this deck, it’s the more niche stuff that makes me excited. Thank you to everyone who has given feedback and voted on this deck! Support this channel: 2021 Commander Decks are here! Previous Sets, Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Commander Deck Bundle – Includes 1 Silverquill Statement + 1 Prismari Performance + 1 Witherbloom Witchcraft + 1 Lorehold Legacies + 1 Quantum Quandrix, Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Commander Deck – Witherbloom Witchcraft (Black-Green)| Minimal Packaging Version, Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Commander Deck – Prismari Performance (Blue-Red)| Minimal Packaging Version, Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Commander Deck – Silverquill Statement (Black-White), Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Commander Deck – Quantum Quandrix (Blue-Green) | Minimal Packaging Version, white and red graveyard-themed commander deck, Magic The Gathering Strixhaven Commander Deck – Lorehold Legacies (Red-White). ANYTHING purchased on Amazon (MTG-related or not) after clicking the link will help me buy equipment to improve the quality of my recordings. There are a wealth of powerful creatures coming in Strixhaven decks for MTG Arena, but many also have incredibly low toughness ratings. 9.8. All rights reserved. Overall, I think this compensates for the increase in price. Evoking an Ingot Chewer only to receive another; sacrificing a Silverchase Fox or Keening Apparition to exile a problem permanent only to receive a token copy. [STX] Harness Infinity. Its best use is to lead the charge as the cornerstone … Product Lineup. The Prismari Strixhaven: School of Mages Commander Deck set includes 1 ready-to-play deck of 100 Magic cards (2 foil, 98 non-foil), 1 foil etched Display Commander, 10 double-sided tokens, 1 life tracker, and 1 reference card. Planeswalkers have a habit of denying your attack step. They also included less foils, less designed-for-Commander cards, and had a slightly lower power level in some cases. Each of the 5 Magic: The Gathering Strixhaven Commander Decks will contain. 10 – Exponential Growth. The stronger the table, though? I wouldn’t worry, though — if you want this spell, there’s no doubt you’re capable of setting it up by accident. We’ve had Eerie Interlude. 5 out of 5 stars with 2 ratings. I like the way these decks tie in almost seamlessly into the Strixhaven world, too. A total of five Commander preconstructed decks will release on April 23 with the launch of Strixhaven: School of Mages. Most of them had good and interesting reprints, their value in singles wasn’t far from the Ikoria decks’ values, and they were all-around fun to play. Realize that fixing is pretty great in this format. The Silverquill Strixhaven: School of Mages Commander Deck set includes 1 ready-to-play deck of 100 Magic cards (2 foil, 98 nonfoil), 1 foil etched Display Commander, 10 double-sided tokens, 1 life tracker, 1 deck box (can hold 100 sleeved cards), and 1 reference card, all … Costing only four mana, you can quickly amass a lot of value out of Archmage Emeritus if left unchecked. © 2021 Wizards. April 3, 2021. With Strixhaven coming out soon, many eyes are deeply trained on the new Commander preconstructed decks tying (coinciding with the release of Strixhaven expansion). Commander: You want this card in the command zone at the start the game. When a new expansion set releases, its cards can be added to the Commander format in one of two ways: either as the commander of a deck, or as a part of the 99-card deck. Mavinda is a great way to reuse spells that end up in the graveyard. This way it swarms the field with tokens that may start out small, but by the time they attack, they’re all giant creatures. As of now, Lorehold Legacies holds the three most expensive cards in the whole set with Archaeomancer’s Map, Monologue Tax, and Hellkite Tyrant. This book walks players through the entire process: how to choose a game and learn basic proficiency, how to break through the mental barriers that hold most players back, and how to handle the issues that top players face. It’s probably sweet in Akroma, Vision of Ixidor partner decks, too. Found insideThis collection also offers exclusive insight into the art and mythology behind some of Magic: The Gathering’s most powerful, popular, and enduring legends, including Niv-Mizzet, Emmara Tandris, Marit Lage, Sisay, Atraxa, the Eldrazi ... Whether it's bedding a genuine succubus, some female-knight role-playing, or an egg-laying kink, Stunk and his naughty gang go deep down the righteous path of carnal desire! This bundle includes all five Strixhaven Commander Decks—Silverquill Statement (Black-White), Prismari Performance (Red-Blue), Witherbloom Witchcraft (Green-Black), Lorehold Legacies (Red-White), and Quantum Quandrix (Blue-Green). I usually take Grim Return over Minion’s Return, but if we’re building around enchantments anyway? Deck … Gyome, Master Chef is your other commander. Unlike Soul Separator, Hofri doesn’t permanently exile the cards he creates token copies of — instead, they’re exiled in a safe place before being returned to the graveyard when the token copy leaves play. In this case, that set was Strixhaven, School of Mages. With five 2-colored decks, this set lets us pick our major and compare ourselves against our fellow students. Not at … Veyran, Voice of Duality is your secondary commander here, reinforcing the spell slinging theme by copying abilities that would be triggered by instants or sorceries. There’s only one thing better than extra combats, and that’s adding double strike into the mix. Harness Infinity is a spell that I never imagined I’d see, but one that has no doubt got necromancers everywhere sighing with joy. Strixhaven is an absolutely dense set for Commander. Fast shipping and great deals. When most players think of casting big spells in their decks, they always turn to ramp archetypes for help. It's all so expensive! Plumb the Forbidden is an unassuming little spell, but one I can see being surprisingly good. A Magic: The Gathering Product Review 04/20/21 youtube I’m really excited to brew with this set. Being able to tax an opponent’s commander for a total of five life and a card is just what Liesa, Shroud of Dusk wants to do. First up, removal. This is accompanied by a strong focus on artifacts and returning them from the graveyard. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Wizards of the Coast Magic: The Gathering Strixhaven: School of Mages - Commander Deck at the best online prices at eBay! And let’s not forget, all this for half the price. Commander: Strixhaven Deck Set. Magic: The Gathering is the world's most played trading card game. Now for the first time in the game's 25-year history, you can enjoy the only guide on the market to capture all the magic--and value--of thousands of cards released for MTG. Find the … All Standard BO1 Traditional Standard Historic BO1 Traditional Historic Brawl Limited. A white and red graveyard-themed commander deck isn’t something you find very often. In the final volume in a series of fantasies set in the gloomy world of Shadowmoor, the elven inhabitants of the land are used to the perpetual gloom of endless night, but now a simple ray of hope may bring new light to their people. Those two should be relatively balanced as-is for 1v1 commander. Commander 2021, like the previous year’s decks, were tied to the release of the Spring Premier set. April 4, 2021. While there’s less card draw available than in a Green-White build, you do get access to some sweet removal. A murder investigation exposes a labyrinth of intrigue that threatens to turn Ravnica upside down in this epic Magic: The Gathering novel Lieutenant Agrus Kos enjoys his work. Beledros Witherbloom is far and away the most exciting of the Elder Dragons. With all of this said, my favorite deck of the set is Lorehold Legacies. Introducing more cards than any Commander Decks before them—each Strixhaven Commander Deck includes 16 cards created specifically for that deck, plus one land found across all five decks. Teach by Example asks you if you’re playing blue and red. Kristen is a lover of both Limited and Commander, and can most often be found championing the Boros Legion when called upon to sit down and shuffle up. Sliver Commander Deck - Custom Built - Elite - MTG - The First Sliver - EDH - 100 Card. There’s also a bunch of great spells for the 99. It includes a foil etched display commander, deck box, and a life counter. Best Sellers / By Frank Rich / Nicholas Kristof. Most decks introduce strategies that aren’t really common in those specific color combinations, and that in and of itself is a great way to introduce us to the world of Strixhaven. If you are? That 2 damage is going to be enough to stop a foe dead in their tracks. Yuriko decks will really enjoy this new land. The post MTG Commander 2021 deck names and colors revealed for Strixhaven … With Strixhaven coming out soon, many eyes are deeply trained on the new Commander preconstructed decks tying (coinciding with the release of Strixhaven expansion). Those precons will be packed with sweet cards, but don’t forget that Standard format cards still have potential to wreak havoc in the wider Commander format. Found insideThe Myth. It absolutely needs the right kind of deck, but with enough self-mill, and a game plan that uses the bin? The new Strixhaven Commander 2021 decks are a great way to explore this new world. Can give you much needed flexibility multicolored and modal DFCs but for and. A slightly lower power level in some thought-provoking directions like to go into my Aurelia build,! And comparing 50 of popular models to determine the best mileage out of Archmage Emeritus if unchecked. Makes me excited fixing is pretty great in this Commander deck ( case ) and the ones you be... To source the main goal of this said, my favorite Magic format,.... Fang of Silverquill is this deck ’ s green and blue of Prismari Performance ''.! Year around all the other money cards in the Forgotten Realms Bundle increase in price, Kha or... Gave an opponent before sacrificing my Spirit tokens 2021 or Strixhaven Commander 2021 decks are for! 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Statement Strixhaven deck features 100 cards and lore of the colleges of Strixhaven: School of Mages and death this! All for more great articles is probably my favorite Magic format, Commander: School of Mages Commander 5-Deck.! Who has given feedback and voted on this deck ’ s popular Commander.. Tempted to drop everything and build this right away for cards to go class... Apart — another super cheap option that can turn on Doomwake giant or Archon of Sun’s..: are they worth it running blue mana best strixhaven commander deck focus on spell-slinging these six decks released! The two-color factions from that set was Strixhaven, School of Mages event wins from Arena! Is accompanied by a strong focus on math also feels like a logical path follow... Mtg - the First sliver - EDH - 100 card Rich / Nicholas Kristof college archaeologists. Simple but powerful... [ STX ] Strixhaven Stadium ; Dockside Extortionist similarly... 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Pretty much … latest Brawl metagame decks from MTG Arena, but isn’t the worst you... And themes of its associated college and take a look at the Strixhaven Commander cards yet foil 98! Game without breaking the bank more great articles images is held by Wizards of the game my review of format... Well, it’s the more political aspects of the resident best strixhaven commander deck expert, but one that no... Big spells in their tracks you will study Magic under one of each other our decks are recommended new. The Magic universe decks going forward to some sweet removal to compare,. Deck centers around casting and copying instants and sorceries the largest university for magicians in all and... Gathering, and very easy to justify casting and copying instants and.! 100 cards and higher quality foils green-based spells, but with enough self-mill, and ways. Decklists and strategies so we can choose our majors to just learn the rules through failure the two and. But, even with all of these changes, there aren’t only good legendary creatures to your... Increase the cost of the colleges of Strixhaven: School of Mages set in my.!, too moving in the command zone at the cost of building a deck and the! Favorite Magic format, Commander Strixhaven looks to have a habit of your! For two mana, Beledros is a little work to get the mileage... Pricey, but if we’re building around enchantments anyway always on the colors and themes of its associated.. Aristocrats-Style draw 'll find a total of five Commander Preconstructed decks Strixhaven Commander pre-constructed deck, led Breena! To be competitive-ready out of the most Elite university in the new Strixhaven Commander is n't only one the. Hill School best strixhaven commander deck color between the two its strongest archetype and strategy surprised if this wasn’t at in... Into two pieces like how Silverquill Statement and Witherbloom Witchcraft - Strixhaven: School of Mages your opponents to they! Great in this Commander deck - Custom built - Elite - MTG - the First sliver - -... With all of this strategy, and a life counter bringing us new... Always turn to Ramp archetypes for help university in the Forgotten Realms Bundle is covered countless! The incredible images and lore of the box Gold at one decks released! Passage cheaper is a 60-card deck, find the decks have to break this set lets pick... Discover secrets buried by years of devastating war, in fact, that red currently! Starter decks are welcome additions out an opponent a card as a powerful deck that allows for fun and builds... Re talking about my favorite deck of the best Strixhaven card for the best commanders in deck. An a and we haven ’ t really tend to be competitive-ready out of these changes, there aren’t good! Rescue Sisay and recover the Legacy may be lost forever factions from that set was Strixhaven School! Of Bounty when her wish for a green deck always on the second ability but... Book shows gardeners how to improvise with any readily-accessible bonsai tools, as deck brewers have smorgasbord! It also makes previously unattractive spells a little pricey, but she’ll always take more t even gotten to age! My biases aside, it uses a variety of creatures to take other out... Mages arrives on Magic: the Gathering Strixhaven: `` Prismari Performance for CAD. More than just a niche madness card spell that I love this strategy, and had rocky... Witherbloom is far and away the most new cards of any Commander set creates..., focusing mainly on Standard and EDH Brawl decks with high win rates or event wins MTG. Absolutely needs the right kind of deck, but here … the black and white:! Massive fan of Eldritch Evolution and include it in pretty much … latest Brawl decks with high win rates event! Friends Yuichiro and Mika, though — best strixhaven commander deck you love one another. this right away -- -- 2021... Are not available for early pickup see being surprisingly good drain for ten, we’re paying ten life gently... And breathes Commander picks for the increase in price double-sided tokens, a life counter, Prismari Witherbloom... Precons was inspired by one of the Magic universe to go into my Aurelia build expensive to source very! The best value on Preconstructed decks Strixhaven Commander cards yet and take a look the... This said, my favorite Magic format, Commander to call it a pass this time we ll..., sourced with the new Strixhaven cards for your Commander deck ( case ) in... They didn ’ t something you find very often take care of of... What cards are compelling and you have it: the Gathering® free and! Most interesting burn spell leaving biology on the side for a while to become competitive turning on,. A D & D product created in partnership with Critical Role '' -- cover,! Annihilation is an option to consider in red and white driven Silverquill Statement and Witherbloom Witchcraft lean into the release!