coping with work pressure essay

However, these management styles vary especially on the impact they have on employee productivity. Employees should be encouraged to report and consult whenever they feel stressed. When you give in to negative peer pressure, you often feel guilty or disappointed with yourself for acting in a way that goes against your beliefs or values. Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. 2021 © - Big database of free essay examples for students at all levels. Retrieved May 14,2009, from https://www.sciencedaily.comA­ /releases/2009/02/090203142512.htm. These stressors can include workplace conditions, role ambiguity, role overload and role conflicts or any other issues that can cause anxiousness and strain among employees at workplace. All the job conditions that may lead to stress are the result of stressors and can be used to measure the stress. Studies of specific stress-related illnesses feature prominently in the medical literature, while in occupational psychology work-related stress has been linked to both physical and psychological health problems across a broad section of the working population. In order to avoid these troubles, team structure must be considered a vital aspect. Reese (1997) Stress is a mental and physical condition, which have an effect on an individual’s productivity, effectiveness, personal health and quality of work. At any workplace, whether white collar or blue collar jobs, there tends to be pressures. It can be a mix of both informal feedback and feedback delivered as part of a formal performance management cycle. Whatever the source of pressure may be, for organizational leaders there is no other option but to lead and work through others to bring out the results under pressure. The impact of stress from overwork, long hours at work and work intensification has had a major and often devastating effect on organizations of developed nations. (2008) suggest that employees are so much strained due to different stressors that they readily give up some part of their salary even job. w�gn5�f%��'��kz�u1�`�Q �`���mI:�ʡ�K[�>���CD�(a����wg�����$�y��T)Ϯ�*�Z8�Q�9�W�]�JPj��h��³}jHW����)h7!�{����,�]��=BE �؏8��_k��Q�'!�۸J�Bk乮/f�u˫�.�lFH�;"���Q� ~\j_E=��7��~������tF���2Bٴy�D;C�~Q�v�;. The piston pressure is 1 MPa. The survey, which dealt with layoffs between 1990 and 1995, found that the illnesses disabled workers sought treatment for gastrointestinal problems, mental disorders and substance abuse, hypertension and the like were stress related. Posing strict deadlines, requiring them attend meetings in very short notice, forcing them work late hours and making them prone to cut-throat competition and mounted work can lead to stress and anxiety. Theoretical Frameworks. To determine the factors that can reduce the job stress at PTCL. Research topic was related to the Employee Performance under Job Stress. Stress. Research carried out on the key causes of work related stress indicate that demands or workload, low control, low support, low rewards, emotional demands and effort-reward imbalance remain the major contributors (Hollway 1991). Kim (2002) conducted a research to show that participative management has positive effects on the job satisfaction and better communication can improve the performance of employees. Found inside – Page 8... believe, suppose 15 handle deal with, take care of, cope with, manage Topic 6 Work ... It is possible that many people are under more pressure at work, ... An incendiary examination of burnout in millennials--the cultural shifts that got us here, the pressures that sustain it, and the need for drastic change Participants filled the questionnaires as advised by the researcher. If the market would be effectively competitive, suppliers would be few in number and their price and output decisions will impact market conditions. As they are not aware of how to cope with the stress plus they are not being provide by any stress management program, they often get baffled by the situation and fail to figure out the solution. Reactive strategies are popular since they benefit an individual rather than an organization. Offers more than 20 different strategies to use to downplay and reduce the feelings of stress while under pressure in both personal and professional situations, from public speaking, sales presentations to job interviews and even playing a ... Work related stress is a big challenge in the world, with statistics indicating about 1 in 7 people reporting their work to be either very or extremely stressful. Take breaks often. Siu, O. L and Cooper, C. L (1998), “A study of occupational stress, job satisfaction and quitting intention in Hong Kong firms: The role of Locus of Control and Organizational Commitment”, Stress Medicine, Vol. Simple & Easy Stress Essay Topics. 4. Stress management is an inevitable thing in the modern industrialized society. Workers may show signs of fatigue, absenteeism, and low morale. To compete in the market they are now moving towards new technology and are trying to make their processes more efficient and effective for gaining best possible outcomes from their employees. No matter how successful an organization is, [...], ‘’A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American Work Values’’ Introduction Discussion Bibliography Introduction Work values influence attitudes and behaviour at work which can have a major effect on productivity and performance especially if managers are aware of these work values. Others are eating, talking to friends, or/and taking drugs. Gender and Family Obligations. Peer pressure is a normal part of growing up. 32 Although the prevalence of burnout was comparable between the specialty groups, burnout was found more frequently in . The results also imply that team members’ adoption of a collective coping response signifies the team-level techniques underlying the differential effects of challenge and hindrance stressors on behavioral, cognitive, and affective outcomes. 7ZƝQ �r�b�S��MR��-! This helped to trim down their doubts. Conflicts with the boss, coworkers, or customers are other major causes of stress. The most profit making sector in Pakistan is the Mobile sector. They also found that supervisor’s job is tougher and cause high level stress. Employees, despite the work level, require some aspect of control of their duties and departments. Excessive pressure negatively affects employees leading to stress. Researcher is of the view that some cultures are more prone to stress but people take it for granted and as part of their job. Everybody experiences stress at some point of life, stress can be work or job related, family related or can be because of your […] Our service has 2000+ qualified writers ready to work on your essay immediately. Dealing with this pressure can be challenging, but it's important to reflect on your own personal values and preferences and make decisions based on those rather than on peer pressure. By the help of the review the most important fact that came to researcher’s knowledge is that very little has been done in regard to cope with Job/workplace stress in Pakistan. (PTCL Management Responds To Union Protests _ State of Telecom Industry in Pakistan). For example, progressive muscle relaxation helps reduce muscle tension associated with anxiety. The results supported the use of the challenge hindrance framework at the team level as well as the central role of transactional theories of stress. They found that quantitative workload might be a source of stress or anxiety in each country. Best Stress Topic Ideas & Essay Examples. And employees must be advised on life style factors such as smoking, health eating, and weight control, personal hygiene and need for physical activities. However culture affects the tolerance level of the stress. Determine the work done by the water and the final temperature and pressure; das - Coursework Research | Essay Furious At times, these and some other different factors make the employees to go through certain pressures when they have to meet deadlines, cope up with some kind of strange but critical situations. By 1991 this was further re-organized thorough the PTC Act 1991 opening this public sector to the private sector companies. As Lodge (1985, [...], Background/Research: This study attempts to determine how helping others at work daily can lead to behavioral changes and over time how helping others at work is a depleting experience that will eventually lead to a reduction in how much one helps others and instead engages in political behaviors aimed at helping oneself. Basic services such as fixed local loop (FLL), Wireless local loop (WLL), Long Distance & International (LDI), and Broadband services also witnessed growth in revenues and its contribution to the sector revenue stood at Rs. In an extremely stressful situation, team members will be incapable to split a range of stressors into positive and negative facets, and take into account multiple methods of coping. Found insidepressure and even strokes or heart disease Coping with stress One of the first steps to ... why not take every opportunity to work in his or her presence? Broadband services are being offered with the help of various technologies, however the growth rate is not increasing as it was expected, Cost of service is considered to be major reason for this slow growth. And also to find that how job performance is affected by job stress. However gaps between best possible setting and present setting can be observed. To determine the effect of work activities on the work performance and behavioral performance of employees of PTCL. Meaning: Stress is a very common problem being faced today. Results were obtained by performing Chi-square analyses and t-tests. illustration. Other times, employers give workers duties to be accomplished with insufficient time. To expand the capacity and bring in additional value added services PTCL launched a new Intelligent Network (IN) Platform in October 2003. This vision draws from and builds on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. It explores who has been left behind in human development progress and why. Stress management programs and trainings should be introduced. This book offers a highly revealing and troubling view of today's high school students and the ways they pursue high grades and success. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in 2017/18, 595,000 people in the UK reported work-related stress at a level they believed was making them ill.That's 40% of all work-related illness. The training could include formal a well as informal sessions. His investigations in this line area brought out the fact that there is a direct relationship between stress-related human failure and accidents occurring at work. 1, pp. 1 Use the "4 As" to bust stress. Work schedule Poorly managed shift working, inflexible work schedules, unpredictable hours, long or unsocial hours. (Nelson et al 2009). Than researchers performed structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses using the AMOS software package. Small things such as a copy machine that never seems to work when in need or phones that won’t quit ringing can make you go wild. Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Go Freelance. A nationally representative sample could not be used. Found inside – Page 595Your essay should explain how the anatomical structures produce pressure, cope with pressure and regulate pressure. Your essay could include a discussion of ... Bosses should give their employees some space to help them cope with the pressure and determining success at work. Stress is significantly increasing with working hours, income, educational level, when married, when managing people, being a trade union member, but decreasing for public sector workers for all country groups and for both men and women while significant evidence exists that experienced stress levels vary by occupation. They should be aware of the fact that they are about to enter in a transitional phase. To address this need, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), with additional funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, has prepared this comprehensive, 1,400-page, handbook for nurses on patient safety and quality -- ... The nature of assigned tasks will also contribute to failure of accomplishing the set work targets. This ultimately helps employees to perform well. Other organizations try to keep up the market competition by introducing new machines. Work related stress being a major issue requires sufficient attention because of the adverse impacts on human beings. The analysis was conducted through multiple regression analysis and ANOVA. A number of factors were indicated by employees that cause stress. As telecommunication monopolies head towards an imminent end, services and infrastructure providers are set to face even bigger challenges. For instance, a working environment with excessive workload demands and conflicting expectations will cause work stress to all workers. Thus the study aims to find the impact of job stress on employee’s performance. (2005), “Stress at work”, 1st Edition, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington. Short notices and strict deadlines must be reduced. Further he says that stress was reduced when a person did no longer have to report to someone daily. To further hold the launch of new latest services the optical fiber junction access network has been in the phase of implementation. PTCL is making efforts to provide a better environment that is conducive to perform at ones maximum level. Job stress is negatively related to the performance of employees. � �}�r�H����+j�1#i��xu�Zڑ�v�n�e�{��CQ�$,`�"�M+�?����>lĉد�O�/9�YU@%R��>��H�.YYy�D��? Causes of WRS Employees must be given the task and assignments according to their capabilities they must be provided with proper equipment and resources as well as support the guidance from supervisor to complete the task. Stress management includes taking care of organizational issues like leadership, peer support, organizational culture and policies, work design and reporting arrangements as well as job analysis, staff selection and training to enhance role clarity such that there is a balance between the individual and his work environment. If you're writing a report for work, think about who will be reading the report and what they expect to get out of it. Management style is not appropriate and the culture is somewhat inflexible for the workers. In the year 1962 this PTT Department was divided into the Telephone & Telegraph Department. B. and et al (Spring 2004), “Using the job demands-resources model to predict burnout and performance”, Human Resource Management, Wiley InterScience, Vol. ��?E���(�U;�l2铲�=0��G����͕(�h-�EX�����_v_� The ‘burnouts’ often engage in reckless or risk-taking behaviors. Resilience at Work supplies insights and strategies you can use to combat your fear of change and uncover the opportunities that can be found in even the most stressful situations. Particularly female workers can be subject to many stressors that male colleagues are not prone to. So they, in their own larger interest, take very good care of their employees, value them, invest in them and work extra mile to cope their problems and fulfill their needs. There are other factors related to both sectors like convenience of use, value added services etc. Employee recognition by management as well as strengthening employees’ confidence in their competence through task-related training programs may be the key to keeping high-performance call center employees. PTCL collaborated with Etisalat (UAE) and came up with a cellular company Ufone. These challenges relate to family responsibilities, work, failure to cope with studies, failure to balance These research findings suggest that there are significant levels of chronic stress among social workers and of emotional eating and alcohol usage as a mechanism . When an employee lacks adequate control over his or her duties, there are chances of stress. Kansas State University (2009, February 4). CHAPTER 7 Recommendations and Suggestions,, Adolescence, Anger, Child Abuse, Emotions, Juvenile Delinquency, Peer Pressure, Personality, Stress, Employment, Goal, Motivation, Organization, Productivity, China, Economy, Employment, Human Resource Management, Motivation, Research, Value, Adoption, Economy, Employment, Human Resources, Organization, Organizational Culture, Value, Economy, Employment, Human Resource Management, Organization, Qualitative Research, Research, Creativity, Employment, Goal, Innovation, Motivation, Performance Appraisal, Research, Attitude, Employment, Goal, Human Resource Management, Job Satisfaction, Leadership, Research, Behavior, Employment, Neuroscience, Research, Social Psychology, Design, Employment, Empowerment, Innovation, Job Satisfaction, Learning, Organization, Free Online Plagiarism Checker for Students by StudyDriver, The Impact of Peer Pressure in Adolescents and how to Cope with it, A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American Work Values’, Organization Work Well with a Hybrid of Various Cultures, Work Motivation and Performance of the Employees Business Essay, The Relationship between HRM Practice and Employee Work-related Attitudes and Examine Whether Different Approaches to Measurement of HRM Gives Different Results, An Analysis of the Behavioral Consequences of Helping Others at Work, Employee Empowerment and Participative Work Redesign Programs Business Essay. The method used by Lazarus and Folkman was based on specific efforts . Let's face it, college can be very stressful. This part of the study provides the literature available on the research topic. The styles do not allow proper communication in a company and lead to minimal family-friendly policies. Particularly, the stressful impact of occupation, hours of work and workplace relations on worker with focus on the labor market costs of stress by estimating the importance of work-related stress as a predictor of individuals’ quitting behavior and rate of absenteeism. The pressure that comes from these assignments coupled with the desire by students to succeed academically culminates into stress. Participants were free to inquire anything regarding the material on questionnaire or the research. Hold the tension for 10 seconds; release tension for 20 seconds. How Stress at work can be prevented or reduced? They stop taking breaks and lose touch with their own needs which creates stress not only in the organization but also disturbs their personal lives. Their error rate is influenced by how well they engage with the organization, especially with their immediate environment, , level of innovation and collaboration with other employees, absenteeism and, ultimately, how long they stay in the job. However, do not let your misleading perception about the simplicity of this work prevent you from preparing for the essay adequately. 49-66. Thus they find themselves unable to cope with demanding jobs and accomplish and meet deadlines. Every individual will experience stress in one or the other time. These ultimately lead to poor performance. According to her, job stress is shaped through a range of ways such like interpersonal demands, role demands. The purpose. They found that there can be many causes of stress that can also effect job satisfaction. Stress at work refers to the adversarial response, which persons have to dangerous pressures or other kinds of mandate placed on them in the course of their duties. At times, work environment presents unhealthy work relationships amongst co-workers, which may lead to stress. Last year, I took an organic chemistry that was notoriously high-pressure. In this circumstance, the major variables, which determine the level of stress exhibited by a worker, will be employee’s characteristics and the presented working conditions. Work-related stress can be caused by various events. However, I was shocked with what I heard in the handover and felt sorry for Mr X that in less than a day he incurs grade 2 bedsores. End results were that many work related factors induce employees to imitate the behavior of their co-workers to seek ways that can make the work schedule a bit flexible. Thus stressors are one of the main factors that result in reduced performance of employees. Divide into positive peer pressure groups. Connect with Supportive People. The Telecom sector remained the single largest receiver of the FDI receiving one fourth of the total FDI. The organizational outcomes were increased productivity and efficiencies mainly because of quicker response rates through empowerment and removal of organizational barriers. In this regard the research at hand calls attention to the due need of further research in this aspect. At times they are given certain assignments and tasks that are difficult for them. Keep calm and wait: we'll get back to you very soon. Nearly everyone agrees that job stress results from the interaction of the worker and the conditions of work. 170 questionnaires were distributed to employees of several trading firms. 28, Issue. The most significant stress management strategies include reactive and proactive strategies. Data for this research was collected in two phases. 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