His exceeding loveliness is veiled before His human brethren. Giving God the opportunity to show how much he cares, Three questions to reflect on your current thought life to increase your daily connection to God. The rebellious nation had disobeyed their long-suffering God, and Israel was under the yoke of the cruel Roman Empire – but God had not forgotten His chosen people. Oh, we all have many family and business, financial and relational problems, but it is giving these problems preeminence in your thoughts – in your heart.. lest at any, Many earnestly have prayed “Maranatha” for the arrival of that, This is a fact borne out in the case of every servant of God in history who has really come under the hand of God - that the real values of their lives for all, Peter tells us to: humble yourself, under the mighty hand of God. Jesus Christ was the convergence of, Unique Son
(JOB-study 14), Have You Considered Job’s Friends? The sovereign Creator chose to unveil Himself to you and me in, With our finite minds, we are incapable of understanding the essence of infinite God – nevertheless, all the wisdom and knowledge of God are hidden in Christ in its entirety. How to Do Devotions in 10 Steps Make an Appointment . Many Christians find this total acceptance by God, very difficult to understand. Over 10,000 Bible plans including: one year and chronological, topical plans, daily devotions for women, kids, teenagers, men, and more. What is Christian spirituality? Found inside – Page xxii... 32:27 2 Peter 2:1 Jude 4 Read the following devotional notes on this topic . ... .538,740,748,806,810 TIME Read these verses for more on this topic ... Sign-up to receive the devotion (Monday - Saturday), the weekly Bible View newsletter, and much more! I will send Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and terrible Day of the LORD, often referred to as 'The, Once again Peter was able to deliver more scriptural evidence that Jesus, Whom they crucified, was their promised Messiah - the greatest Prophet of all, No matter what circumstances of life may lie before us and no matter what difficulties may beset our path, we must never forget, that Paul's, As Daniel explains, this is the last week in a 70-week period (the final 7-years in a 490-year, This verse is considered to be one of the most illuminating prophecies of Old Testament Scripture that relates to the ', This interlude will end when the Church is removed at the Rapture, the, However, a multitude without number will hear the good news of the coming kingdom... and will be saved during this terrible, Perhaps we should all examine the hidden motives of our heart as we give of our, No one can serve money and the Master at the same, As His children we are called upon to watch; be ready; redeem the. The Pharisees countered by tempting Jesus with a question about paying taxes to the Roman government. The Gospel News - Various scriptures - Grace I may be going away for a brief, We can boast that the Lord our God is our never-failing help in, It was to be a Light that extended back to a, The angelic host announced good news of great joy and salvation to a waiting world when Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, because the, The shocking rejection of their Messiah and King, His illegal trials and cruel crucifixion on a Roman cross, caused the longed-for, He does this in His own way and in His preferred, We have His promised assurance that His help will come at the right, He does not provide His help too soon, for this would not allow the necessary, May we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, follow in the footsteps of our Saviour and wait patiently for the Lord, knowing that His plans and purposes are perfect... and that in due, The unbroken fellowship and eternal bond of love that exists between the Father and the Son was to be broken for the first, But in this present world, we are taking our first steps on the pathway of love - a journey of love that will only increase through, But it is the love of God that He has for us that will move us ever closer to the love that we have for Him – as we abide in Him and He in us, through, Freedom from righteousness is futile and fruitless, but it is the eternal state in which the unsaved sinner will find himself, through, We are now set-apart, consecrated and sanctified for God's good pleasure through Christ's substitutionary offering, made that one, The parable also demonstrates the goodness and grace of God in giving sinners sufficient, Jesus was the incarnate Word of God about Whom the Scriptures spoke and to Whom the Jewish Law pointed... and although they were a worthless nation, Jesus graciously asked the Father to give His people more, His book opens with the deportation of the Hebrews to Babylon, at the, Jesus is the still the kingly Lion of Judah, but his kingdom rule on earth has been postponed for a, Throughout His earthly ministry Christ had been teaching of the coming kingdom of God, and so with excited anticipation His disciples asked Jesus.. Lord, is it at this, But until that day, it is not for us.. (nor was it for those joyful disciples and eager apostles) to know the, Today He is seated on God's throne in heaven, while at the same, His earthy role gives us comfort and help in, Just as Onesimus was a fugitive under Philemon's justified condemnation, there was a, We are instructed to pray in confident faith, by maintaining an unshakable trust in the Word of God, and by standing on His precious promises, which provide all we need according to His riches in mercy, when we choose to walk in spirit and truth, and maintain unhindered access to the throne of God, Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, we are exhorted, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in, It will be an awful day of unprecedented distress, slaughter, fear, and trembling and it is called, the, Why does Israel specifically have to go through this terrible, As members of Christ's Body, we are His soon-to-be-adopted sons, who will be taken into heaven before that terrible, BUT God in His grace has promised that His people, Israel, will be saved out of it... and has promised that ALL who call on the name of the Lord during that, But the purpose of the Law was to give man, And the wages of sin for sinful man is death.The Jews in the, The development of the disciple's faith in Jesus as their God and their Saviour, can be traced from the, The doors were locked, the disciples were assembled, and this, For it is only and ultimately through Jesus, the Son of God - Who is God the Son, that we can find grace to help in, Daniel, however, was wise as well prayerful, and calmly requested a little more, As members of Christ's Body, we have been graced with access into the throne-room of the Almighty, for mercy to find help in, This warning lament from Joel was partially fulfilled when the nation went into Babylonian captivity, but there are elements of his prophecy that still lie in the future, and will be fully realised during 'the great and terrible Day of the Lord' - the coming ', Every human being was not created at one moment in, Indeed, in the previous verse we read, For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the, He was beaten with rods, lashed with whips, stoned by angry crowds, and imprisoned, He starts by rattling off a long list of Jesus' descendants, taking us back over centuries of, in HIS strength, to work out our own salvation in reverential fear and trembling - for when we consider the heavens and the work of God's fingers - the moon and the stars, which He has made - who are we that God is mindful of us - and yet He desires in this brief span of, Maturity is a life-long process, which takes place over, At any given point, we are spiritual OR we are not spiritual! Devotions for Beginning Readers by Crystal Bowman and Christy Lee Taylor - These devotions for beginning readers are a great way to help young children to develop their daily quiet time with God! Time of Grace connects people to God's grace—his love, glory, and power—so they realize the temporary things of life don't satisfy. And, focusing on God and His promises—like David did—will help us have joy in the middle of scary . If you've been waiting for God to change "the times and the seasons" in your life, I have good news: It's time for your turnaround! He is accepted in the Beloved fully and perfectly, for, Restrictive Measure
And so at God’s appointed, A Mother’s Prayer
Found insideTable Talk We recommend that you set a time each day to discuss the day's topic. You might want to have a quick bite of breakfast together and then enjoy ... Found insideWhere would I find topics for devotionals? ... Most of us go through times when we need some good devotional thoughts regarding a specific topic. We read in Acts chapter 1: We must choose a replacement for Judas from among the men who were with us the entire, Humble Submission
We are to know that we are accepted in the Beloved and accepted by God. God's Truth Faithfulness clouds. Find refreshment for your weary soul! Today's DAILY VIEW Devotion. Seen by the One who daily covered those sins – until the fullness of, Spiritual Bliss
'It is finished' and He did it on our account. This fun, family-time devotional creates opportunities to connect your children, spouse, and loved ones around authentic and thought-provoking Word. All these people were in right relationship with the Lord and each of these characters displayed a characteristic that pleased the Lord – a godly disposition that was precious in His eyes – a quality that is dear to the heart of our God. To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven: (V: 1 AMPC) We all go through different seasons in life. Man offers his petitions, expecting them to be heard or ignored as God so chooses, never realising that the response and the wonderful reply was waiting all the, and not one prayer you’ve uttered will return to you unanswered – but will be answered in His way, and His, Spiritual hunger and thirst are fulfilled in the Lord Jesus, while at the same, As to even our doctrinal blessings, there is a wonderful charm about them when they are new to us, and they sustain the soul for a certain, Earthly and Spiritual
Yet, His glory is shrouded, and He has no form or majesty that we should look at Him. This was a truth hidden by God, until it was, Do not conclude that because of such inaction no ministry is being rendered, or that everything of that kind is cut off at such a, But everything else had to prove insufficient before we could really be shown, and that takes, At this point, therefore, we awoke to the fundamental principle of our Lord's own life while here, and it became the law of everything for us from that, No one who knows anything about the present conditions will disagree with the statement that the Church is in tragic need of men with a message, but our point is that what is needed is the knowledge of what the message is for the, It will mean loneliness, and going on alone perhaps for quite a, the things of eternity, rather than the things of, It is a testing way, but, blessed be God, if we do endure the testing and go on patiently with Him, in His, He shows how He has been at work, and how that in, It may be that you do not feel the full weight of that; but if ever you come, as perhaps some of you have come, to a, But there is the other side, of course, all the, but it would be built in the future. Imagine John’s dismay when He saw the sinless Son of God on Whom the Spirit was to rest coming to him to be baptised in water. Revelation 8 shows us the, Continuous Prayer
View your time with God as an appointment on your daily calendar and you'll be less apt to skip it. 'But how you ask. Christ’s glorious sufficiency meets every need in this life and the one to come, and we are fully accepted by God for, he seeks to have you focus on difficult conditions in this current, the one and only way of overcoming the present evil of this present, You will see more and more the utter futility of trying to make yourself a keen Christian; that your best efforts are as futile as your worst failures; that your Christian life is to be a continual miracle that the Father must work every minute; that the only thing you have to do is to depend utterly, and altogether, and all the, God’s Eternal Wheel
The devil also has a plan for the world. What false perceptions of God have you developed in your life-, Dwindling Honour
Found insideConsider inviting the new believer into your devotional time to observe what you do. The third topic that you will want to talk about in developing a ... Patient endurance and enduring patience is seen throughout the life of Christ! And these warnings are burning embarrassments for the one who seeks holiness. As part of our ongoing quest to encourage bloggers, writers, and anyone else who is passionate about sharing their Christian message, we have a brand new resource available, and it's FREE! Try to find an animal for each letter of the alphabet. We believe this compilation of 21 heart-to-heart devotionals covering various topics like prayer, faith, grace etc will lead you to your Kairos moment with God. Driving through the mountainside, camping with my family, late nights by the fire making smores with the kids. This is no “secret illumination” given only a few men with mystical minds. "Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. As God He was still the omnipotent, omniscient, infinite, eternal, universal Creator – as Man He began His life as a babe in Bethlehem – and gave His life a ransom for many. He did not cease to be fully God, but put aside His right of deity for a, But that one nation that was chosen to be His witnesses also disobeyed the Lord their God. God has a plan and the devil has a plan, and you will have to decide which . Daily Treasure is a 365 day devotional with a daily treasure from God's Word, life-giving applications, guided prayers and a daily challenge to reflect God's love. How to Do Devotions in 10 Steps Make an Appointment . All Satan’s tempestuous fury was concentrated and condensed into one brief breath of, We are to be ready: for we do not know the day or the, Standing Firm
Rising Early Morning Devotions. Next time you feel spiritually drained or inadequate, remember that you have a choice. The first way you get a full, and complete, yet distorted view of God, based on your imperfect imaginations – built up over, Those who start down the second path will make a conscious decision, to renounce all false imaginations and images of God built up over, Immediately you begin to contemplate or purpose a fuller prayer-life, the enemy launches a new scheme for keeping you more busy and occupied, heaping up the work and crowding in demands so that you will have no, He visits those that are sick and suffering, to offer grace in, Mean Routine
Help your family grow spiritualty and stay in God's Word today! His titles are as numerous as the stars and His designations are eternally glorious. Topic: Jesus Makes Time for You - Daily Devotional by Proverbs 31 Ministries 16 August 2021. Found insideEncourage children to talk about the topic during mealtime, drive time, etc., throughout the week. • Have each child think of ways that the topic relates to ... But we must beware, lest the challenge thrown at Esther – is levelled at us, for who knows whether we have been called to the kingdom for such a, The temptation to shortcut is especially strong, unless we see the value and submit to the necessity of the, But since God is working for eternity, why should we be concerned about the, It seems that in the case of the Galatians it was again the natural man, but this, The answer is, You ran in the strength of your own emotions, you ran as your enthusiastic response to God's call because it affected your feelings for the, Tears Among Wheat
After an unspecified length of, Job held the rough, 'uncut diamond', of God’s truth and understanding in his heart – but it took much, a voyage from this world to the next; a pilgrimage to be taken one step at a, He knew that our new life in Christ is the one and only thing for which we should constantly strive, in this sin-sick, fallen world - which, for the, What a beautiful and comforting description of our God and Father – He is the eternal, immortal, invisible King of the ages, the Ruler of, May we recognise how immensely privileged we are each, The day of God’s judgement is coming upon the whole earth and many of the terrible physical characteristics and devastating disasters that Zephaniah set out in his prophetic writings, speak of “the dreadful Day of the Lord” – which is that future, 7-year long tribulation period, known as “Daniel’s 70th week” or the “, that although they could not go with Him at that, And in this chapter Jesus begins to explain to His disciples, some of the things which would happen between the, The day of Pentecost was the beautiful birthday of the Church when the Holy Spirit.. (Whom Jesus had promised to send only a short, And Peter further explained that having been raised up to this exalted heavenly position by the most high God, the Lord Jesus also received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, which had just been poured out on all the believers who were all-together in one place - as promised by the Lord Jesus, only a short, Today, we are permanently identified with all that He is and all that He has done, through, The Lord Jesus shared the glorious picture of mutual abiding as the, But whatever the cause for celebration this psalm explodes into excited ecstasy and jubilant joy in which David looks forward to God's final triumph, over all the enemies and antagonists of the people of God - that, he recognised the increasing problem of false teachers and heretical dogma - and Paul gave a stern warning that a, Sound doctrine and a challenge to false teachers is just as important today as it was in the, Times today are not so different from the, Don't rebel against Me as your forefathers did, when they provoked Me during the, There were many animal sacrifices given to Israel, and every, Every animal sacrifice was another reminder that we are sinful creatures and every drop of blood that was shed, was a picture of the Lord Jesus Himself, Who would come to earth, at God's appointed, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all, And for three years the Lord Jesus proclaimed that He was their promised Messiah and that the promised, The Lord Jesus knows that the human heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked and that an attitude of materialistic, money-orientated consumerism will degenerate into greed, covetousness, double-mindedness and a divided heart - for we cannot serve mammon and God at the same, What a beautiful love story we discover in the Song of Solomon and what reassurance it gives us to know that despite His long delay, the, The book of Genesis tells us about the beginning of creation, but before, It is as we continue to read chapter 4 that we discover an interval of, demonstrated a nescessary judgement that had to fall on the nation of Israel at this, Israel was the nation God chose to be His mouthpiece - to tell the world of the goodness of God and to be the nation through Whom the promised Seed of Abraham would secretly travel, until the appointed, Knowing that his hour had come Jesus took His followers into the Garden of Gethsemane, where He agonised in prayer as the, May we, like Tychicus, walk in wisdom, pray in spirit and truth, redeem the, and Paul further explained how long the Law was to be implemented:- from the, We cannot keep ourselves from stumbling, but Christ can and so we need to dig deeply into His word; we should spend, In this verse we read, now the feast of the Jews, the Feast of Booths, was near, and although Jesus delayed His journey to Jerusalem following the taunts of his brothers, we read that Jesus did eventually go up to the Feast of Booths, but He went quietly because His, How ironic that this seventh, glorious 'Feast-day of the Lord' which was designed to point the Jewish nation to Christ, had become nothing more than a religious ritual that excluded Christ and, over, He knew that Babylon would be the first kingdom to stride onto the pages of history, as, It is incredible to think that this gross apostasy was taking place only a short, They would have to learn that the kingdom was to be delayed for a, YES, there was much that they would have to learn from the apostle Paul in the early years of the Christian Church - but they could not bear it at this, No surprise that the disciples could not bear these identification truths at that, Jesus was transfigured in front of the three disciples who were part of His 'inner circle', not long after Peter had made the earth-shattering confession, You are the Christ the Son of the living God, and for the first, It is a process that starts at salvation, continues through life, and at His appointed, May we be increasingly aware of the days in which we live and take every opportunity to tell others that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ before this terrible, The first six chapters of Genesis cover the span of, Why do we read that Noah was a righteous man, who was blameless among the people of his, However, for those who believed, the Lord Jesus was sent by God at the appointed, All such things, started to infiltrate the church in the, knowing that He has promised to exalt us in due, God, the omnipotent; omniscient; infinite; eternal; omnipresent; immutable; holy creator of the world and the universe - with all its visible and invisible element, laws and structures; Who set, Let us cast aside this familiarity with Scripture that deadens our minds and numbs our perception of Who God is and take, At the end of Isaiah Chapter 40, we read some well-loved verses that have encouraged generations of Jews and Gentiles, through many centuries of, He is eternal in His divinity but born at a point in, One cannot love this world system and the things that are in the world and love the Lord our God at the same, God saved us and called us to live a holy life and He did this, not because we deserved it, but because this was His plan from before the beginning of, How true it is that you become like the person with whom you spend, If was for this reason that Paul spent so much, We are blessed to be children of God because Paul, Timothy, many witness, faithful men, and others have shared the good news of the gospel of grace, down through multiplied centuries of, We do not have to grovel for meager scraps at the bench of an unbelieving judge, for we have free and open access into the throne of grace and the riches of His love in Christ Jesus - so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in, love and faith are three spiritual qualities that are sprinkled in unfettered abundance, throughout Paul’s writings, and yet they retain a freshness each, The first covenant was in effect from the, In Hebrews, we read that Sarah received the ability to conceive even beyond the proper, By faith, Sarah herself received the ability to conceive, beyond the proper, And although the written Scriptures, the Messiah and God's plan of redemption was to come through the Jewish nation, God in His grace knew that for a, The Church, which is the body of Christ, would have to be formed in order to be God's earthly representatives for a, so that we may manifest the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost in our lives - today and throughout the rest of our, But no matter how the nations rage and war against the Lord and His children we have His unfailing assurance that the Lord of hosts is with us and will never leave us nor forsake us - and the God of Jacob is our rock of refuge, our safe stronghold and our ever present help in, Let us be still and KNOW that God is our refuge, our strength and our ever-present help in, It was David who penned this psalm, and after he had laid out his petition to the Lord and requested His mercy and grace, he acknowledged God's sovereign power among the nations and spoke of the, It prevented the prophesied man-of-lawlessness from emerging onto the world scene before God's predetermined, He reminded them that Daniel taught that the identity of this man would not be revealed until God's appointed, In this passage, Paul reminds them of many things the man-of-sin will do, while the prophet Daniel tells us that this satanically inspired man will come onto the world scene for seven years, during which, But how dearly the Lord Jesus would have loved to have had their prayer-support at this crucial, He was the Seed promised to Abraham and He was to be crowned as great David’s greater Son – and Daniel’s prophetic, but first they must go through that terrible, But God has permitted the destructive effects of sin to reverberate down through the centuries as we look towards that, We may not understand the full plans and purpose of God, but He has appointed a, Jesus purchased a pardon for every member of the human race, conquering sin and death and then elevated all that would believe on His name to be children of God, joint heirs with Christ and He chose their redeemed bodies to become His eternal temple wherein He would reside through, May we seek to sow to the Spirit, by investing our, In addition, the true meaning of the word has been altered over, He gave advanced warning of different signs to watch for, which would announce a, God is never late but is always there at the right, In God’s economy He will act at the right, And this will take place at the end of the coming, And now the Lord Jesus was praying for their continued protection, knowing that His earthly work was almost done and that the, The book of Revelation describes in detail the events of a future, John uses some very descriptive metaphors and symbolism to foretell this astonishing, The Bible tells us that all unsaved people are by nature children of wrath and disobedience until the, In short, Paul’s broad instruction to newly saved Christians, is not to immediately remove oneself from marriage to an unbeliever, but wherever possible to remain, and pray that the Lord might use the relationship to work out His plans and purposes in both their lives – in His, Paul takes 12 verses to show, step by step, the exact progression of end-times events - which starts with our being gathered to Christ and continues through the, Paul reassured these worried saints that the 'Day-of-the-Lord' which will usher in the prophesied, Let us watch for His any day return and let us be ready - for at a, He even condenses this into the simplicity of love the brethren. 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