With this card they can enjoy several privileges, for instance they: are exempt from obtaining an entry visa or residence permit to live in Ethiopia; Related Features - ethiopian embassy washington dc yellow card. C.Documents received after 10:30am, processing will begin the next business day. For further information about entry requirements, travelers, particularly those planning to enter by sea, may contact the French Embassy at 4101 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC 20007, telephone 202-944-6200, fax 202-944-6212, or visit the Embassy of France's web site. It is strategically proximate to the Middle East and Europe….. @2019 Ethiopian Embassy in Washington DC. BEAUFORT COUNTY BUSINESS SERVICE CENTER P.O. You will write a check to the " US Department of State " for $90.00 (please write your date of birth on the memo line of the check) and pay cash in the amount of $35 to the Acceptance Agent (See Authorization Process below). Requirements for foreign nationals of Ethiopian Origin to obtain Ethiopian Origin ID Card, B. H.E. One of the most important travel documents for an Ethiopia trip is a valid U.S. passport. If you have attached a valid Ethiopian Passport with Copy of a Green Card or I-94 or if you have attached a copy of valid Ethiopian Origin ID Card, the service fee is $59 per document payable in the form of money order. If not, service fee of $90 per document. The application consists of an Ethiopia Visa Application Form, a passport photo, your passport, and your travel itinerary from your airline or a copy of your airline ticket. The embassy of Ethiopia in Ottawa is located at 275 Slater Street, Suite 1501 and can be contacted by telephone on 613-565-6637 as well as by email [email protected]. Log in Cart (0) Like Share. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia hqc hck Application form for the issuance of an Identification Card for the spouse of Foreign national of Ethiopian origin . About Free Telephone Service Number In Ethiopia. 147 SEK stamps up to 500 grams or for up to five passports. EMBASSY OPENING HOURS Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM . Email: info@costech.or.tz. If you are informed for the third time to submit the necessary document and if you fail to submit the requested document, the Consulate General shall be obliged to send your original document back to you and you will be requested to apply anew. A. Non-U.S. passport must send a copy of their U.S. visa or green card, front and back. We are a nationally recognized US Passport and visa service by the Washington Post, New York Times and USA Today. Military personnel who have experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam, as well as senior leaders and military historians alike, will find this book by Dr. Chris Mason thought-provoking and useful. 1 ref no. All new applications must be made in person at the Embassy by appointment only on Mondays and Fridays. Single-entry: 30 days or 90 days. የኢትዮጵያ ኤáˆÂባሲᣠበኒዠዮáˆÂáŠÂᣠበሎስ አንጀለስ ወá‹Âሠበሜንሶታ ሚሲዮኖች በኩሠበአካሠበመቅረብ ወá‹Âሠበá–ስታ በመላአየሚሰጠዠአገáˆÂáŒÂሎት የቀጠለ መሆኑን በአáŠÂብሮት እንገáˆÂጻለንá¢, የኢትዮጵያ ኤáˆÂባሲ ዋሽንáŒÂተን ዲሲ, Your email address will not be published. The Customs modernization provisions has fundamentally altered the process by shifting to the importer the legal responsibility for declaring the value, classification, and rate of duty applicable to entered merchandise.Chapters cover entry ... Ethiopian e-Visa official website , Learn how to apply for different types of immigrant visas for tourists, students, business travelers and Other Visas. Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington, D.C., United States located at 3506 International Drive NW. Support Hours: Close. For expedited Visa requests, please contact the Visa Office. This volume contains eight articles by Jim Grant's close colleagues which draw out the lessons of Grant's vision and leadership, which have relevance in many other contexts FILL NOW Fees may vary for non-U.S. passports. The Ethiopian Embassy to the U.S. has learned that the Ethiopian Immigration Agency has temporarily suspended E-Visa and Visa on Arrival services to passengers traveling from the U.S. to Ethiopia with the exception of Ethiopian Origin ID (Yellow card) holders. Get your Visa and visit the Land of Origins - Ethiopia. D. A holder of Ethiopian Origin ID card who applied for Ethiopian Origin ID Card for their Spouse (Temporarily suspended) Fill out and submit two copies of application form. Your email address will not be published. Accordingly, the Embassy respectfully reminds passengers to obtain visa from the Embassy in Washington D.C. […] Until further notice, all applications must be made by post. The Consulate General also advise all applicants to submit their applications. If you are using FEDEX for your return shipping, please make sure you have a current customer account with FEDEX. All applications must be sent via mail with an envelope which has a TRACKING NUMBER. The Embassy of Ethiopia, India is an dopestic mission of Ethiopia in India. It is strategically proximate to the Middle East and Europe….. @2019 Ethiopian Embassy in Washington DC. The book aims to consolidate research and evidence on these issues with a view to formulating policies in both sending and receiving countries. This book presents findings of surveys of remittance service providers conducted in eight Sub-Saharan African countries and in three key destination countries. In the past few months consular service request at our embassy has increased significantly. Multilingual Support. The economy of Ethiopia is a mixed and transition economy with a large public sector. Application for an Award Ticket is open from 365 days to 2 days before flight departure. You don’t have to call the Embassy to check whether your application has been received or returned back to you since you have the option to track it online at the respective mailing company’s website. The passport must be valid at least for more than 6 months. Application Form - To complete the application for a passport book, card, or both together, first do one of the following: Fill out the application online. Get Form. A person who wishes to obtain a replacement of lost ID card should follow the steps outlined below. The government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy…. Found insideGeared towards those deployed to disaster sites as part of the response, this guide offers extensive information on how to make assessments and reports, coordinate with military in the field and participate as a member of a Disaster ... Ethiopia Tourist Visa Documents: U.S. Passport - You must provide your signed passport. **NO personal checks**. For longer stays, you need to apply for a French Polynesia visa. Embassy of Ethiopia in Ottawa, Canada. Fully completed and signed application form. A scanned copy of the page in your passport containing your personal information. Mobile app is currently support for the English (USA) and Amharic languages. Two copies of the marriage certificate. Canadian citizen currently I hold Ethiopian yellow card which is very helpful when visiting but as of November 2018 ,it will expire .how can I renew as I am planing to go this coming summer. View larger location map, get driving directions to the Embassy of Ethiopia or view address, phone, fax, email, office hours, official website, consular services, visa types, consular jurisdiction, social media channels, and head of mission (HOM). Requirements can change at any time. Present your existing Ethiopian Origin ID Card. The following items are required for Visa application: A valid passport. Mon-Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm EST. All documents originating in Ethiopia should be authenticated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. Investigates the participation of black Africans, usually referred to as "Ethiopians," by the Greek and Romans, in classical civilization, concluding that they were accepted by pagans and Christians without prejudice. Apply by . á‹áˆ… áŠáሠአስቀድሞ በተáˆáˆ¨áˆ˜ ሰáŠá‹µ ላዠየሚገአáŠáˆáˆ›áŠ•áŠ“ ወá‹áˆ ማኅተáˆáŠ• በቃለ መሀላ ወá‹áˆ ማኅተሠትáŠáŠáˆ መሆኑን በማረጋገጥ የቆንስላ ጽ/ቤቱ በሰáŠá‹± ላዠበመáˆáˆ¨áˆáŠ“ ማኅተሠበማድረጠየሚሰጥ አገáˆáŒáˆŽá‰µ á‹áˆ˜áˆˆáŠ¨á‰³áˆá¢. EMBASSY OF ETHIOPIA CONSULAR OFFICE PASSPORT AND VISA SERVICES EMBASSY OF ETHIOPIA 3506 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE, N.W. EMBASSY & WPVS FEE FOR MULTIPLE ENTRY / 30 DAYS STAY. The Ethiopian constitution does not allow for dual citizenship. Non-Resident Transferable birr Account (NR) The account is the same as that of foreign currency account, except that the balance is kept in local currency and withdrawal is made in Birr. thiopia, in the Horn of Africa, is a rugged, landlocked country split by the Great Rift Valley... A. C. You will be required to show your yellow fever vaccination certificate upon arrival in Ethiopia. 8 New Passport Card Government Fee. Ethiopian e-Visa official website , Learn how to apply for different types of immigrant visas for tourists, students, business travelers and Other Visas. This publication covers global megatrends for the next 20 years and how they will affect the United States.This is the fifth installment in the National Intelligence Council's series aimed at providing a framework for thinking about ... Found insideCitizenship in Question incites scholars to revisit long-standing political theories and debates about nationality, free movement, and immigration premised on the assumption of clear demarcations between citizens and noncitizens. 3250 Wilshire Blvd, suite #1101 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Tele 213-365-6651 You do not have to apply for a visa if you have a valid Ethiopian Origin ID card. Address: Area Al katifia No, 66 Al-Dafna. Found inside – Page 254Ethiopia Canadian Embassy PO Box 1130 , Old Airport Area , Higher 23 , Werede 12 , House Number 122 ... Applications should be made two weeks in advance . ETHIOPIAN RESIDENT PERMIT; ETHIOPIAN YELLOW ID; Yes, I hold one of the documents No, . Send all the necessary documents via post office only with a tracking number (UPS, USPS Express mail). Directions Welcome to the EE-ID Renewal support video tutorial. In order to obtain an Ethiopian Origin ID Card, please complete an application form and follow the instructions. Pricing. The passport must be valid at least for more than 6 months. Consular and other offices of The Embassy of Ethiopia in the United States.--> and can be contacted by telephone on 202 364 1200 as well as by email [email protected].The consular section, which shares premises with the embassy, can be reached by telephone on 202 274 4552 / 202 587 1685. #Ethiopia #Yellowcard #Diaspora #EthiopianOriginCard #Returnee #AddisAbaba #EthiopianNational #LandofOrigin #EthiopiaAirlines However, to give good services for the customer, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has amended […] TEL: +255-22-211-0585/ 212.2771/ 211.2860, FAX:255-22-211-3814/ 211-6474. Our experienced and friendly Customer Service Agents are available to assist you by phone, email or chat! Finish an Application Manage My Applicants Manage My Orders VisaHQ for Business. The Consulate of Ethiopia issues a laissez-passer for Ethiopian nationals who have emergency need to travel to Ethiopia urgently. Service fee of $95 per document payable to the Embassy of Ethiopia in Money Order. Two copies of valid passport of the spouse in question. The consular section, which shares premises with the embassy, can be reached by email [email protected] . Ethiopian Origin ID Cards. Applicants may approach branches of the bank with IFB windows service in person or through their agent to be open wadia’h based Diaspora Mortgage savings account. For holders of Valid Ethiopian origin ID Card, attach the copy of your Ethiopian origin ID Card; Service fee $62 per document for each authentication payable to the Embassy of Ethiopia in money order; A completed application form Click here to . Found inside – Page 237Application to : Consulate ( or Consular section at Embassy ) ... of Ethiopia 3506 International Drive , NW , Washington , DC 20008 , USA Tel : ( 202 ) 364 ... Power of Attorney and all other documents originating in the United States must be authenticated by your State first, All foreign nationals who seek to enter Ethiopia require a visa. For holders of vaid Ethiopian passport, attach copy of the passport with copy of a Green Card or I-94. However, Ethiopian origin ID holders and travellers who arrive in Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, እባáŠá‹Ž አገáˆáŒáˆŽá‰±áŠ• አዘጋጅተን እንድንሰጥዎ በጥንቃቄ አንብበዠአስáˆáˆ‹áŒŠá‹áŠ• ማስረጃዎች ከአáŽá‰¶ ኮá’ያቸዠአያá‹á‹˜á‹ á‹áˆ‹áŠ©á¡á¡ አገáˆáŒáˆŽá‰±áŠ• ለመጠየቅ አáˆáˆµá‰µ አመትና ከዚያ በላዠበá‹áŒ አገሠየኖሩ መሆን á‹áŠ–áˆá‰¥á‹Žá‰³áˆá¡á¡ በአáˆáˆµá‰µ አመት ጊዜ á‹áˆµáŒ¥ ከአንድ ጊዜ በላዠአገáˆáŒáˆŽá‰±áŠ• መጠየቅ አá‹á‰½áˆ‰áˆá¡á¡. The Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington DC provides consular services to all members of the Ethiopian Diaspora and other nationals residing or/and temporarily staying in the United States of America. $160. Monday — Friday 8:30 . Multiple-entry: three months or six months. Requirements for Entry: Passport; Visa; World Health Organization (WHO) card with yellow fever vaccination if coming from country with risk of yellow fever transmission (countries with risk of YF transmission)Visas: The Ethiopian Immigration, Nationality and Vital Events . 3506 International Drive, NW, Washington DC 20008 Map: Phone: (202) 364-1200 Email: ethiopia@ethiopianembassy.org Web: . Visitors should obtain a visa from an Ethiopian Embassy or Consulates before departure. The economy of Ethiopia is a mixed and transition economy with a large public sector. Ethiopian Embassy in Rome Contact Phone Number is : 022 2682 8415 and Address is Via Andrea Vesalio, 16-18, Roma, Italy The Embassy of Ethiopia, lagos is situated in Roma, Italy. Ethiopia-based call center: +251 115 582424 or +1 703 543 9339 if you are calling from the United States. Applicant form Sweden must enclose a prepaid and pre-addressed envelop (write the full postal address of the receiver on the envelope) with, 103 SEK stamps up to 100 grams or for up two passports. Found inside – Page 468Embassy of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic , Cuban Interests Section , 2639 16th Street NW , Washington , DC El Salvador Passport and visa required . Journalism. The Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington DC can expedite your visa application so it can take 14 business days, rather than 20 days. Found inside – Page 465Visas may be obtained from either the Consulate in New York or from the Embassy in Washington , DC . Requirements for obtaining visas are as follows ... Countering the Problem of Falsified and Substandard Drugs accepts the narrow meaning of counterfeit, and, because the nuances of trademark infringement must be dealt with by courts, case by case, the report does not discuss the problem of ... S/he shall have no right to be employed on a regular basis in the National Defense, Security, Foreign Affairs and other similar political establishments. You are not allowed to stay in Ethiopia beyond the validity period of your visa. Freedom House is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that supports democratic change, monitors freedom, and advocates for democracy and human rights. Ethiopian Embassy Washington Dc Forms. CONSULAR AFFAIRS Visa application drop-off: Monday to Friday From 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Visa application pick-up: Monday to Friday From 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE NO ONLINE BOOKINGS. After you submit your application, allow 24 hours for the Ethiopian . Prior to applying at the Embassy of Ethiopia for authentication of documents originating in Ethiopia, the documents have to be authenticated first by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. Three (3) recent, color passport size photographs with white background with full name of the applicant at the back of the photograph. Found inside – Page 1011COUNTRY DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR VISAS AND ENTRY REQUIREMENTS EGYPT EL SALVADOR ... Washington , D.C. 20008 , 7 ( 202 ) 332-6280 , or nearest Consulate ... Ethiopian e-Visa | Apply for Ethiopian e-Visa online and secure your Visa now. The Ethiopian Online Visa was launched to accelerate the process of obtaining a visa for Ethiopia.Citizens from all countries can quickly complete the online application form by answering a series of basic questions. A resource of and for the Washington, D.C. foreign embassy community. A diaspora bond is a debt instrument issued by a country - or potentially, a sub-sovereign entity or a private corporation - to raise financing from its overseas diaspora. Authenticated documents by the State Office which issued the document; And then authentication of the same document by the U.S. Department of State. Any day of the week. However if you have yellow (manual) card, submitting a fingerprint is mandatory. From a military commander's perspective, the role of psychological operations (PSYOP) in the successful planning and execution of modern military operations is absolutely essential. Hence, it would like to notify its esteemed customers suspension of routine consular services (in person and postal) until . Please prepare the following items and submit them to the Embassy for authorization. In-depth research, detailed modeling and a variety of analytical tools drawn from public, private and academic sources were employed in the production of Global Trends 2030. Also, find information about Visa Programs, and how to work in Ethiopia as a foreign worker. Power of Attorney and all other documents originating in the United States (Such as Power of Attorney, Adoption, Trade Mark, Property Rights, Court Decisions, Birth Certificates, Marriage or Divorce Certificates, etc) must be authenticated by your State Office and then by Department of State prior to applying to the Embassy. Benefits Ethiopia Visa Application Form - Please provide a completed visa application form. A digital, color, passport-size photo of yourself. Applicants holding U.S. Travel Document must provide the Embassy with a copy of an Entry Permit issued by the Ministry of Interior Passport & Immigration in Khartoum, Sudan and a copy of the U.S. Green Card as proof of legal presence in the U.S. Fee is $154 payable to Embassy of Sudan (each applicant even children) Please call us. A clever hostlhostess is able to reach a proper mixture of protocol and common sense that will enable guests to enjoy themselves completely. If this is accomplished, an event is truly successful. Payment of $200 to daily euro rate in the form of money order payable to Embassy of Ethiopia Account. Payments should be made in the form of Money Order payable to Ethiopian Embassy. Application Form. Renewing an Ethiopian Origin ID card. The collection traces the recent historical evolution of remittances and concludes with an examination of policy implications in both sending and receiving countries. Hide details. Ethiopian e-Visa | Apply for Ethiopian e-Visa online and secure your Visa now. Site Developed and Maintained by Walia Technologies | Privacy Policy, (202) 364-1200 | ethiopia@ethiopianembassy.org, Click here for Authentication requirements. Site Developed and Maintained by Walia Technologies | Privacy Policy, (202) 364-1200 | ethiopia@ethiopianembassy.org, https://ethiopianembassy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/VISA-logo.jpg, https://ethiopianembassy.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/LOGO-300x46.png. A letter from the US Department of State, sending department, or agency, addressed to "Embassy of Cameroon, Washington D.C. ", explaining purpose of travel and dates of the trip. D. A holder of Ethiopian Origin ID card who applied for Ethiopian Origin ID Card for their Spouse (Temporarily suspended) Fill out and submit two copies of application form. 888-596-6028. info@passportvisasexpress.com. The Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington DC can expedite your visa application so it can take 14 business days, rather than 20 days. The Ethiopian Origin ID card is given only to couples who can sign and submit a pledge form stating that their marriage is still valid. Please forward the completed requirements detailed above to: WASHINGTON PASSPORT & VISA SVC 2318 18TH ST NW STE 200 WASHINGTON DC 20009. Two copies of valid Ethiopian Origin ID Card of the Applicant. However, members of the diaspora can apply for an Ethiopian Origin ID Card (commonly called the "Yellow card"). Found inside – Page 9Consulate : NEW YORK , NY 10020 , 10 Rockefeller Plaza , Rm . 729 ... not required for stay of less than 14 days Embassy : WASHINGTON , D.C. 20009 , 1824 R ... Ethiopia Embassy in United States of America: detailed information on Ethiopian Embassy and Consulates locations, including addresses, e-mails and phone numbers . A self addressed return envelope which has a tracking number (UPS, or USPS EXPRESS MAIL) with it. Application can be submitted at the Embassy Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 2:00pm. Yellow fever certificate. Additional document showing Ethiopian Origin: If the Ethiopian Origin ID Card was Issued through marriage, the couple should sign and submit a pledge form stating that their marriage is still valid (, A self addressed return Envelope with sufficient prepaid Postage (. Found inside – Page 6For longer stays and other information contact Embassy of Ethiopia , 2134 Kalorama Rd . , N.W. , Washington , D.C. 20008 ( 202 / 234-2281 / 2 ) . Accordingly, the Consulate General will send your ID card by your return mail as soon as it received it from Ethiopia. A. Any day of the week. Those who have already submitted a fingerprint upon receipt of an electronic Ethiopian Origin ID Card earlier are not required to submit again. For holders of Valid Ethiopian origin ID Card, attach the copy of your Ethiopian origin ID Card; Service fee $62 per document for each authentication payable to the Embassy of Ethiopia in money order; A self-addressed return envelope which has a tracking number (UPS, or USPS EXPRESS MAIL) with it. 1-888-596-6028 Email Us Support. In order to obtain an Ethiopian Origin ID Card, please complete an application form and follow the instructions. If you are not found for Free Telephone Service Number In Ethiopia, simply check out our info below : . The economy of Ethiopia is a mixed and transition economy with a large public sector. Required fields are marked *. However, to give good services for the customer, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has amended this directive so that you can receive your Id card by mail. The embassy of Ethiopia in Washington, D.C. is located at 3506, International Drive, NW. Foreign Currency account is an account in which the source of fund is overseas and can be maintained in hard currency or in birr. However, if you have a yellow (manual) card, submitting a fingerprint is mandatory. Validity. Accordingly, the Embassy respectfully reminds passengers to obtain visa from the Embassy in Washington D.C. or Ethiopian Consulate offices in LA, MN or NY, in person or by mail. WASHINGTON DC 20009. Copy of Green card or I-94 or Work Permit (for Non-US Nationals) A completed visa application form (Click here to download the application form) Service fees will be paid in money order payable to Embassy of Ethiopia; Click here to view a chart of the visa types and associated fees You will be required to provide fingerprints. 2005 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20036-1030. ETHIOPIAN ORIGIN ID - Consulate General of the F. D. R. Ethiopia in Los Angeles, CA. The application consists of an Ethiopia Visa Application Form, a passport photo, your passport, and your travel itinerary from your airline or a copy of your airline ticket. P. O. Finger print is mandatory to have Ethiopian Origin ID Card. Please note that without a prior appointment, the consular team will be . All applications must be made in person at the Embassy as you will be required to provide fingerprints. Found inside – Page 13Getting to the Post American Embassy ( Owner's Initials ) Addis Ababa ... Office Addis Ababa Department of State Washington , D.C. 20521-2030 If the list or ... Credit/Debit card payments, Internet banking & ACH banking payment options are available. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 10. Embassy of Ethiopia in Pretoria. Contact the U.S. Embassy or consulate near you for information and forms to request a passport from outside the U.S. Get your Visa and visit the Land of Origins - Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy.... Ethiopia was named as the world's best destination for tourists in 2015 by the European Council on Tourism and Trade. During the HLD, over 140 Member States discussed the interaction between . Our team has been getting passports and visas for travelers (such as to Ethiopia) for over 15 years. Address. Copy of Green Card or I-94 or Work Permit (for Non-US Nationals) VISA APPROVAL from Ethiopian Immigration; A business letter of introduction and financial responsibility is required to be typed on your company letterhead and addressed to: Embassy of Ethiopia, Visa Section, Washington, DC. Toggle navigation Toggle navigation MENU Link (current) Embassies . Power of Attorney document authenticated by the State Secretary Office in which the applicant is residing and then authentication of the same document by the U.S. Department of State. 10 business day processing- $225.00. This section provides a general overview and information on some of the consular services for all customers who would like to travel to Ethiopia and . Ethiopian Origin ID Cards In order to obtain an Ethiopian Origin ID Card, please complete an application form and follow the instructions In the past, all applicants were required to pick up the ID card in person at the Embassy. Tanzania Information Services (MAELEZO) P.O. This 2020 edition includes: · Country-specific risk guidelines for yellow fever and malaria, including expert recommendations and 26 detailed, country-level maps · Detailed maps showing distribution of travel-related illnesses, including ... A person who wishes to obtain a replacement of Worn-out / Damaged ID card should follow the steps outlined below. PLEASE TYPE. EMBASSY ADDRESS 1100 Connecticut Ave NW #725, Washington, DC 20036 . Found insideThe best country-by-country assessment of human rights. The human rights records of more than ninety countries and territories are put into perspective in Human Rights Watch's signature yearly report. My name, email or chat is located in the form of Money order to. Government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the Applicant & # ;... Embassy of Ethiopia issues a laissez-passer for Ethiopian e-Visa online and secure your Visa application so it take. Presents findings of surveys of remittance service providers conducted in eight Sub-Saharan African countries and territories are into! Which issued the document ; and then authentication of the state-owned businesses and moving a... 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The Land of Origins - Ethiopia Office can not process your return shipping card,. Drawer 1228 BEAUFORT, SC ethiopian embassy washington dc yellow card application form: 8432552270 FAX: 8432559411www.b cgov.net CLEARANCE form this form to... Both sending and receiving countries and website in this browser for the Ethiopian Embassy India contact Number... Euro rate in the Horn of Africa Italy and maintain healthy relation between two nations Consulate General requests to! Card who applied for Ethiopian Origin ID card should follow the steps outlined below - 2:00pm Ambassador! Account with FEDEX English ( USA ) and Amharic languages diaspora in.. Insider 's view of U.S.A.F a self addressed return envelope which has a tracking Number ( UPS, or EXPRESS! Phone, email or chat be valid at least for more than 6 months show your fever... 20008 ( 202 ) 364-1200 email: Ethiopia @ ethiopianembassy.org Web: Blvd, suite # 1101 Los,! 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The Applicant & # x27 ; ve provided a Link to the Middle East and....., multiple entries Visa at a cost $ 140 years, multiple Visa! In this browser for the Ethiopian constitution does not allow for dual.! 24 HOURS for the English ( USA ) and Amharic languages - Thursday, 9:00am -.! Service Number in Ethiopia York, NY 10020, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, Rm available to assist you by,! A blank Page available appointment, the Embassy front desk or on the website obtained from either the Consulate New. Expired Ethiopian Origin identification card a 1 Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20008 ( 202 / 234-2281 / )! 140 Member States discussed the interaction between rate in the process of privatizing many of the Applicant in DC.