ias 38 illustrative examples

Examples of items recognised outside of profit or loss; Changes in revaluation surplus where the revaluation method is used under IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 38 Intangible Assets; Remeasurements of a net defined benefit liability or asset recognised in accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits (2011) IAS/IFRS requires for recognition of the machine as an asset to satisfy the definitions embodied in the conceptual framework as they were described in the previous part of this text and further requirements are set by IAS 16 as for example rules for initial and subsequent measurement. Illustrative examples These illustrative examples accompany, but are not part of, IAS 7. [IAS 38.68]. Import quotas. Example 3 An acquired copyright that has a remaining legal life of 50 years. [IAS 38.1], IAS 38 applies to all intangible assets other than: [IAS 38.2-3]. 112-117), Transitional provisions and effective date (paras. BC103), History of the development of a standard on intangible assets (paras. customer lists. BC77A-BC77E), Research and development projects acquired in business combinations (paras. Found inside – Page 366Paragraph 88 of IAS 38 states: An entity shall assess whether the useful ... two examples from those in the illustrative examples accompanying IAS 38 in ... Found inside – Page 1290IAS 38 requires entities to assume a residual value of zero for an intangible ... The following example is based on one of IAS 38's Illustrative Examples. It replaced IAS 16 Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment (issued in March 1982). The following items must be charged to expense when incurred: For this purpose, 'when incurred' means when the entity receives the related goods or services. IAS 38 includes additional recognition criteria for internally generated intangible assets (see below). BC9-BC10), Non‑contractual customer relationships (paragraph 16) (paras. This handbook reflects IFRSs in issue at 1 July 2014 that are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014, unless noted otherwise. IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements – Summary. Agenda decisions published since 1 January 2019 have been added as annotations to IFRS 9, IFRS 11, IFRS 2, IFRS 16, IAS 1, IAS 7, IAS 8, IAS 23, IAS 27, IAS 28, IAS 37, IAS 38, IAS 39, IAS 41 and IFRIC 23. TIER 2 NZ IFRS RDR REPORTERS. IAS 38 applies to all intangible assets, except those that are within the scope of another standard. licensing royalty and standstill agreements. Contents. Create Logo Animation (GIF) 6 days left. An example is a newspaper masthead on the front page of a daily newspaper) GOODWILL Definition Goodwill is created by good relationships between a business and its customers. Corresponding amounts for the preceding period are required to be presented in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. Illustrative Example 1: Share-based payments with third parties: A company agree with another entity the acquisition of 10 buildings, the fair value of each asset is 130,000 dollars, this transaction is made in change to 10,000 shares company with a fair value of 110 dollars. IAS 38 was revised in March 2004 and applies to intangible assets acquired in business combinations occurring on or after 31 March 2004, or otherwise to other intangible assets for annual periods beginning on or after 31 March 2004. IAS 41.4 gives examples of biological assets, agricultural produce and products that are the result of the processing after harvest (see table 1). Intangible assets relating to agricultural activity (for example, milk quotas) are accounted for under IAS 38 Intangible Assets. Scope of IAS 38 Definition of intangible asset Recognition & De-recognition as an asset Determine carrying amount Determination and treatment of impairment losses Disclosure requirement. IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period is the international standard that deals with the reporting of subsequent events. If an entity cannot distinguish the research phase of an internal project to create an intangible asset from the development phase, the entity treats the expenditure for that project as if it were incurred in the research phase only. Schedule 1. Accounting Treatments Recognition Measurement- 1. INTANGIBLE ASSETS 7 International Public Sector Accounting Standard XX (ED 40), “Intangible Assets” is set out in paragraphs 1─150 and Appendices A and B. The amortisation charge is recognised in profit or loss unless another IFRS requires that it be included in the cost of another asset. [IAS 38.78] Examples where they might exist: Milk quotas. Illustrative examples These illustrative examples accompany, but are not part of, IAS 7. Found inside – Page 161... of IFRS 3 (and related standards like IAS 16, IAS 37 and IAS 38). ... items is based on the examples provided in the illustrative examples of IFRS 3 ... 33, paragraph 41 ... International Accounting Standards, International Financial Re porting Standards and Interpretat … 133), Approval by the Board of IAS 38 issued in March 2004, Approval by the Board of Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38) issued in May 2014, Definition of an intangible asset (paragraph 8) (paras. arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights are transferable or separable from the entity or from other rights and obligations. mortgage servicing rights. Illustrative Examples Comparison with IAS 38 . Project update released on 12 May 2014 announcing a clarification of acceptable methods of depreciation and amortisation. IFRS Literature. Please read, International Financial Reporting Standards, IAS 1 — Presentation of Financial Statements, IAS 8 — Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, IAS 10 — Events After the Reporting Period, IAS 15 — Information Reflecting the Effects of Changing Prices (Withdrawn), IAS 19 — Employee Benefits (1998) (superseded), IAS 20 — Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance, IAS 21 — The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, IAS 22 — Business Combinations (Superseded), IAS 26 — Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans, IAS 27 — Separate Financial Statements (2011), IAS 27 — Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements (2008), IAS 28 — Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (2011), IAS 28 — Investments in Associates (2003), IAS 29 — Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies, IAS 30 — Disclosures in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial Institutions, IAS 32 — Financial Instruments: Presentation, IAS 35 — Discontinuing Operations (Superseded), IAS 37 — Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, IAS 39 — Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, Research project — Rate-regulated activities, Rate-regulated activities — Comprehensive project, We comment on four IFRS Interpretations Committee tentative agenda decisions, Educational material on applying IFRSs to climate-related matters, EFRAG publishes discussion paper on crypto-assets (liabilities), WICI consults on communicating value creation from intangibles, We comment on two IFRS Interpretations Committee tentative agenda decisions, Deloitte comment letter on tentative agenda decision on configuration or customisation costs in a cloud computing arrangement (IAS 38), Deloitte comment letter on tentative agenda decision on IAS 38 — Presentation of player transfer payments, EFRAG endorsement status report 9 December 2019, Deloitte comment letter on tentative agenda decision on IAS 38 — Customer’s right to access the supplier’s software hosted on the cloud, IFRIC 12 — Service Concession Arrangements, IFRIC 20 — Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine, SIC-6 — Costs of Modifying Existing Software, IAS 16 — Stripping costs in the production phase of a mine, International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), Operative for annual financial statements covering periods beginning on or after 1 January 1995, E50 was modified and re-exposed as Exposure Draft E59, Operative for annual financial statements covering periods beginning on or after 1 July 1998, Applies to intangible assets acquired in business combinations occurring on or after 31 March 2004, or otherwise to other intangible assets for annual periods beginning on or after 31 March 2004, Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009, Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009, Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2014, Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016, expenditure on the development and extraction of minerals, oil, natural gas, and similar resources, intangible assets arising from insurance contracts issued by insurance companies, intangible assets covered by another IFRS, such as intangibles held for sale (, control (power to obtain benefits from the asset), future economic benefits (such as revenues or reduced future costs), is separable (capable of being separated and sold, transferred, licensed, rented, or exchanged, either individually or together with a related contract) or. Found inside – Page 503Examples of finite and indefinite lives 1 A direct-mail marketing company with a financial year end of 31 ... (Based on IAS 38 Illustrative examples.) ... patented technology, computer software, databases and trade secrets, trademarks, trade dress, newspaper mastheads, internet domains, video and audiovisual material (e.g. The Standard requires an entity to recognise an intangible asset if, and only if, certain criteria are met. Found inside – Page 203IAS 38 unterscheidet in immaterielle Vermögenswerte mit bestimmter ... 40Siehe dazu etwa Example 4 und 5 in den Illustrative Examples zu IAS 38. Found inside1606/2002 on the application of international accounting standards. Detailed rules applying to ... IFRS 3 'Illustrative Examples'. IAS 38 paras 72-117. Depreciation is covered later in this article. Under the revaluation model, revaluation increases are credited directly to "revaluation surplus" 12 May 2014. If the entity has made a prepayment for the above items, that prepayment is recognised as an asset until the entity receives the related goods or services. BC90-BC102), Revaluation method - proportionate restatement of accumulated amortisation when an intangible asset is revalued (para. 3. Project update issued on 21 November 2013. The asset should also be assessed for impairment in accordance with IAS 36. 18-67), Measurement after recognition (paras. An acquired customer list 2. The IFRS Workbook and Guide includes illustrative examples, worked case studies, practical insights, and multiple-choice questions with solutions that greatly facilitate understanding of the practical issues involved in applying these ... Found insideIllustrative examples are given so as to minimise or eliminate ... IAS 40, Investment Properties lays down the following: A property interest that is held ... IFRS Manual of Accounting » 04 -Presentation of financial statements (IAS 1. Recognition and measurement (paras. The amortisation period should be reviewed at least annually. RECOGNITION AND MEASUREMENT. • IASB Illustrative Examples excerpts — nine deal with impairments • IASB examples excerpted from the IAS 36 standard — seven are included within IAS 36 • other examples These examples add value by showing how a particular part of the standard might be applied in a specific situation. Each word should be on a separate line. BC60-BC72), Intangible assets with finite useful lives (paragraph 98) (para. Found inside – Page 887In contrast , under AASB 116 / IAS 16 and AASB 138 / IAS 38 , assets acquired are recorded initially at cost . ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 25 . Historical Financial Statements A.IV Historical Statement of Charges in Equity 38 PricewaterhouseCoopers Additional (all amounts expressed in HCU) historical Share Revaluation Translation Retained Total information Capital Reserve Reserve Earnings Project update issued by the IASB on 25 September 2014 announcing amendments affecting IFRS 5, IFRS 7, IAS 19 and IAS 34. BC78-BC89), Initial recognition separately from goodwill (paras. We will consider and would like options both with and without the compass rose graphical element on the left side of the logo. BC101-BC102), Summary of main changes from the Exposure Draft (para. An acquired patent that expires in 15 years 3. IAS 16 does not include any illustrative examples. The costs to dismantle, remove and restore items of PP&E are included in the carrying amount of the asset. BC83-BC84), Subsequent expenditure on IPR&D projects acquired in a business combination and recognised as intangible assets (paragraphs 42 and 43) (paras. motion pictures, television programmes), licensing, royalty and standstill agreements, customer and supplier relationships (including customer lists), it is probable that the future economic benefits that are attributable to the asset will flow to the entity; and. IAS 38 Examples intangible assets. An acquired customer list 2. Expenditures on research or on research phase of an internal project must be expensed in P/L as incurred as an entity cannot demonstrate that an intangible asset exists that will generate probable future economic benefits (IAS 38.54-55). NZ IAS 38 6 New Zealand Equivalent to International Accounting Standard 38 Intangible Assets (NZ IAS 38) is set out in paragraphs 1–133. Found inside – Page 275Examples of classes of intangible assets are provided in IAS 38 ( 119 ) ( see 7.4 below ) and the Illustrative Examples appended to IFRS 3 also include a ... Found insideIAS 38 requires entities to assume a residual value of zero for an intangible ... 26) and one of IAS 38's Illustrative examples includes a residual value; ... NZ IAS 38 is based on International Accounting Standard 38 Intangible Assets (IAS 38) (2004) initially issued by the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) and subsequently revised by the F.6.3 Illustrative example of applying the approach in Question F.6.2 F.6.4 Hedge accounting: premium or discount on forward exchange contract F.6.5 IAS 39 and IAS 21 Fair value hedge of asset measured at cost SECTION G OTHER G.1 Disclosure of changes in fair value G.2 IAS 39 and IAS 7 Hedge accounting: statements of cash flows NZ IFRS RDR Reporters must comply fully with the recognition and measurement principles of NZ IAS 38. If an intangible item does not meet both the definition of and the criteria for recognition as an intangible asset, IAS 38 requires the expenditure on this item to be recognised as an expense when it is incurred. Under the revaluation model, revaluation increases are credited directly to "revaluation surplus" IFRS Literature. However, there are limited circumstances when the presumption can be overcome: Note: The guidance on expected future reductions in selling prices and the clarification regarding the revenue-based depreciation method were introduced by Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation, which applies to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016. Taxi medallions. Cryptocurrencies + their accounting under IFRS explained very clearly. [IAS 38.54], Development costs are capitalised only after technical and commercial feasibility of the asset for sale or use have been established. A research and development project acquired in a business combination is recognised as an asset at cost, even if a component is research. [IAS 38.22] The probability recognition criterion is always considered to be satisfied for intangible assets that are acquired separately or in a business combination. (c) Leases to be included in the scope of IAS 17 Leases. The text of the unaccompanied IAS 38 is contained in Part A of this edition. Examples of temporary differences. Found inside – Page 2236BC192-209 illustrative example , 36.1E80-89 disposals , 38.112-117 examples , 38.9 exchange of assets , 38.45-47 application of IAS 38 , 38.131 future ... The same applies to the operating system of a computer. 2. 97-106), Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives (paras. Found inside – Page 368IAS 38 Intangible Assets provides illustrative examples regarding the accounting for ins tangible assets, including the following: A direct-mail marketing ... IASB publishes narrow-scope amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits. Charge all research cost to expense. [IAS 38.75] Such active markets are expected to be uncommon for intangible assets. IAS 36 Impairment of Assets – Summary. Illustrative Examples Comparison with IAS 38 . An acquired patent that expires in 15 years 3. Technical feasibility of completion of 1. It replaced IAS 9 Research and Development Costs (issued 1993, replacing an earlier version issued in July 1978). – this is for illustrative purposes only. ... IAS 38 (66) (b) states "Costs of employee benefits as defined by IPSAS 25" [IAS 18.92]. The application of the principles addressed will depend upon the particular facts and circumstances of each individual case. Download PDF. IFRS 3 has been developed in order to require a methodology for accounting for business Version 1 of 1. Example 1 An acquired customer list. Once entered, they are only customer and supplier relationships. patented technology, computer software, databases. The up-to-date and exhaustively edited 2006 edition contains coverage of important and complex new requirements such as: * IFRS 1, First-Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards * IFRS 2, Share-Based Payment * IFRS 3, ... [IAS 38.78] Examples where they might exist: Under the revaluation model, revaluation increases are recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the "revaluation surplus" within equity except to the extent that they reverse a revaluation decrease previously recognised in profit and loss. Found inside – Page 60Where appropriate, illustrative examples and references to related ... by IASs 27 and 28 IAS 4 Depreciation Accounting Replaced by IASs 16, 22, and 38 IAS 5 ... [IAS 38.63], For each class of intangible asset, disclose: [IAS 38.118 and 38.122]. franchise agreements. The standard IAS 38 prescribes the rules for accounting for all intangible assets except for the intangible assets covered by another standard. Found inside – Page 456Examples of intangibles as a percentage of net worth NBV publishing rights ... ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 11.1 Applying the criteria in paragraph 57 of IAS 38 ... BC100A), Early application (paragraph 132) (paras. The full functionality of our site is not supported on your browser version, or you may have 'compatibility mode' selected. In April 2001 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) resolved that all There is a presumption that the fair value (and therefore the cost) of an intangible asset acquired in a business combination can be measured reliably. Following references to illustrative Examples that are not an integral part of IAS 38 or SIC 32 have not been included in INDAS 38. i.Reference to illustrative Examples in paragraph 89. ii.Reference in paragraph 9 of SIC 32 to additional guidance provided in examples. Therefore, management of the company intends to use FIFO method for the valuation of the company's stock. internally generated goodwill [IAS 38.48], start-up, pre-opening, and pre-operating costs [IAS 38.69], advertising and promotional cost, including mail order catalogues [IAS 38.69]. If you navigate away from this document, the view date will reset. For example, this Standard does not apply to: (a) Intangible assets held by the entity for sale in the ordinary course of its activities (see IAS 2 Inventories and IAS 11 Construction Contracts). It replaced IAS 9 Research and Development Costs (issued 1993, replacing an earlier version issued in July 1978). READ PAPER. Cost of a separately acquired intangible asset comprises (IAS 38.27): Its purchase price, plus import duties and non-refundable taxes, less discounts and rebates,; Any directly attributable costs of preparing the asset for its intended use. Editorial Note. The IFRIC also noted that paragraph IE28 in the illustrative examples accompanying IFRS 3 provides indicators for identifying the existence of a customer relationship between an entity and its customer and states that a customer relationship ‘may also arise ... (IFRS 3 and IAS 38) Author: IAS 38 — Intangible Assets. IAS 38 Intangible Assets was issued by the International Accounting Standards Committee in September 1998. IAS 38, para 126, research and development expenditure in the year and further analysis; IAS 38 para 126, analysis of R&D costs charged to income, segmental analysis, accounting policy; IAS 38 paras 94-96, intangibles assigned useful life longer than contractual period … IAS 36 Impairment of Assets and IAS 38 Intangible Assets completes one of the first major objectives of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and provides a consistent framework to be used for accounting for business combinations. Intangible assets held by an entity for sale in the ordinary course of business (IAS 2 Inventories) 2. Corresponding amounts for the preceding period are required to be presented in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. Please turn off compatibility mode, upgrade your browser to at least Internet Explorer 9, or try using another browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Internally generated goodwill This is not recognised as an asset because its cost cannot be distinguished from other costs incurred in business. IAS 38, para 126, research and development expenditure in the year and further analysis; IAS 38 para 126, analysis of R&D costs charged to income, segmental analysis, accounting policy; IAS 38 paras 94-96, intangibles assigned useful life longer than contractual period … BC6-BC14), Background to the Board’s deliberations (paras. Found inside – Page 367IFRS 3 Illustrative Examples organizes groups of identifiable intangible ... the grant is received or receivable in accordance with IAS 20 (Chapter 38). All the paragraphs have equal authority. BC85-BC89), Transitional provisions (paragraphs 129-132) (paras. IAS 38 requires, intangible assets which arises as a result of government grant are recognized either at fair value or nominal cost. 107-110), Recoverability of the carrying amount - impairment losses (para. [IAS 38.111], An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life should not be amortised. Business combinations. The objective of IAS 38 is to prescribe the accounting treatment for intangible assets that are not dealt with specifically in another IFRS. (b) Deferred tax assets (see IAS 12 Income Taxes). trademarks, newspaper mastheads, Internet domains. BCZ29-BC46I), Subsequent accounting for intangible assets (paras. Inline XBRL; ZIP; Example 12: Consolidated and Separate Statements of Financial Position. [IAS 38.75] Such active markets are expected to be uncommon for intangible assets. BC73-BC77), Revaluation method - proportionate restatement of accumulated amortisation when an intangible asset is revalued (paras. These examples are based on illustrative examples from IAS 1. Video included! accumulated amortisation and impairment losses, line items in the income statement in which amortisation is included. Data at end of 20X0 End of 20X0 Allocation of Purchase price This means that the entity must intend and be able to complete the intangible asset and either use it or sell it and be able to demonstrate how the asset will generate future economic benefits. Examples of circumstances that give rise to taxable temporary differences. IFRS Manual of Accounting » 04 -Presentation of financial statements (IAS 1. the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Illustrative examples accompanying IAS 38 provide nine examples of acquired intangibles and how their useful Jives should be assessed. 1. Limited amendments were made in 1998. IAS 38 Intangible Assets Last updated: March 2017 This communication contains a general overview of the topic and is current as of March 31, 2017. These Illustrative Examples accompany IFRS 16 Leases (issued January 2016; see separate booklet) and is published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The amended standard and new standard are effective for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2017 and 1 January 2018, respectively. reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period showing: additions (business combinations separately), basis for determining that an intangible has an indefinite life, description and carrying amount of individually material intangible assets, certain special disclosures about intangible assets acquired by way of government grants, information about intangible assets whose title is restricted, contractual commitments to acquire intangible assets, intangible assets carried at revalued amounts [IAS 38.124], the amount of research and development expenditure recognised as an expense in the current period [IAS 38.126]. Impairment in accordance with IAS 38 's illustrative examples on IAS 38 34.15B provides a list of that. Cost, even if a component is Research more stringent requirements concerning capitalisation Subsequent! 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