related words for architect

Since they deal with customers and professionals directly, architects must have excellent oral and written communication skills. “Architect.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Rate it: AAACE. Webster Dictionary(2.00 / 3 votes)Rate this definition: Architect(noun) a person skilled in the art of building; one who understands architecture, or makes it his occupation to form plans and designs of buildings, and to superintend the artificers employed. Architect(noun) a contriver, designer, or maker. Divided by the system of construction employed, into four compartments, like a vault. You will have to build some words to solve every crossword puzzle level. Found inside – Page 670In other words , the architect is concerned with searching through previous architectonic knowledge , so that he can immediately confront contemporary ... We also provide Advertising for Architects, Websites for Architects and SEO for Architects. Thousands of new images every day Completely Free to Use High-quality videos and images from Pexels relating to architecture. ― Robertson Davies. master builder. An architect is a Creative Eye . architect. What are the different types of handrails used in bridges. Learn a new word every day. n. # education. Through groundbreaking partnerships with world-renowned architects, designers and artists, Related has redefined urban environments on a global scale, fostering distinctive, dynamic communities and symbolic landmarks that have become sources of local pride. Deepa Aradhanai. The need to understand architecture-related matters within Interior Design has given birth to the field of Interior Architecture (IA). A shutter or blind with fixed or adjustable slats which exclude rain and provide ventilation, shade, and visual privacy. Moreover, the principles of geometry are not confine to great temples and monuments. ancient architecture. conical or pyramid-shaped ornament on top of a spire, especially in Gothic architecture. Quotes tagged as "architecture" Showing 1-30 of 528. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. Dwajasthambam. Found insideThe architect or master mind, in other words, is but the agent who works to satisfy ... The two systems are directly related for the task of architecture, ... 10 Beautiful Latin and Ancient Greek Architectural Words. Found inside – Page 2But in The Manhattan Transcripts Bernard Tschumi states : ' In architecture , concepts can either precede or follow projects or buildings . In other words ... The following are the words commonly used by Architects in their works and drawings. A masonry mass (or the like) receives the thrust of an arch, vault, or strut. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. prime mover. Meet Grammar Coach. Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves. Found inside – Page 20In other words , the majority of working architects are employees , not employers . These statistics suggest a low probability that someone setting out to ... colonial. Harmony, orderliness, and elegance of proportions. Used only on the fanciest … air pocket. Nglish: Translation of architect for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of architect for Arabic Speakers. What must be the maximum dry density of Granular Sub Base & Wet Mix Macadam used ... What is the Safe Bearing Capacity values for Different Soils? Join TheConstructor to ask questions, answer questions, write articles, and connect with other people. There are 500 architecture-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being architect, structure, design, architectural and building. CappaCale Architects. Atriums are similar to interior courtyards but they are … aluminum. Words related to architectural: Meet your meter: The "Restrict to meter" strip above will show you the related words that match a particular kind of metrical foot. A horizontal structural member over an opening that carries the weight of the wall above it. architecture: terms used in architecture. See more. Words Related to architect. Meter is denoted as a sequence of x and / symbols, where x represents an unstressed syllable and / represents a stressed syllable. Modern Architecture aesthetics first appeared around the 1850s. A corner of a building decorated with a projecting masonry course, a pilaster, or a similar feature. Found inside – Page 154Two “ Standard Dictionary " ) are these : The etymology of a word is not ... the chapters on combined , disappointed : the “ grouping of related words ... Lowa Leys Architects. Amegma Architects. Construction. Related words. 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This is a list of words related to Architecture. Found insideuse to select architects. In other words, cost should be a major factor, but generally not the most important one. Key personnel, experience, work scope, ... 2500 pages of free content are available only online without fees, ads or registration. access. alloy. In classical architecture, the triangular gable end of the roof above the horizontal cornice. Apollodorus (image above) of Damascus is a Greek Architect and Engineer. A branched light holder, either standing on a base or projecting from a wall. A body administering the affairs of the temple. Blind arcade or arcading: the same applied to the wall surface. Words related to architectural: Meet your meter: The "Restrict to meter" strip above will show you the related words that match a particular kind of metrical foot. Architects organize different types of spaces. According to the US Green Building Council, 27 percent of businesses surveyed about their green building development said more than half of their building projects were “green” in 2018, with 47 percent committed to a majority of green projects in 2021.In other words, businesses want green buildings. A hoisting machine for heavy loads usually has a vertical mast and a horizontal or sloping boom whose movement is controlled by wire rope. Any flat horizontal member or molding with little projection. No problem. An offer to perform the work described in a contract at a specified cost. As mentioned, the Arki demos all have high-quality designs that are sure to … Found inside – Page 136This in an ideal case extends from conception to decommission of an architectural object, in other words, over many years or even decades, allowing for its ... While playing around with word vectors and the "HasProperty" API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. An entire railing system including top rail and its balusters, and sometimes a bottom rail. The sum established by the owner as available for the entire project, including the construction budget, land costs, costs of furniture, furnishings, and equipment; financing costs; compensation for professional services; the price of owner-furnished goods and services; contingency allowance; and similar established or estimated costs. aluminum siding. design of an architectural complex, building, or part of a building in a horizontal projection, as though seen from above. Synonyms for architecture in Free Thesaurus. MInute Fusion. The Keralite name for temples. A structural member which projects beyond its supporting wall or column. Article by katherine covey. accordion door. Architect Salary. Found insideFor scavengers these processes are related to the individual agency of the architect. In other words, the degree to which these architects have both freedom ... Hi there! Found inside – Page 628The words " Architect ” and “ Architectural , " appearing in the other registrations are , of course , closely related in meaning to the word " Architecture ... A portico having seven columns at one or both ends. Found inside – Page 170And , as has been demonstrated countless times , Architecture is ... with his intellect in other words , the architect discovers the causes of all forms ... In a building frame, a structural element is shorter than usual, as a stud above a door opening or below a windowsill. Types of Architecture Concepts… Typography. Many people think that the word, “modern,” refers to the time period, but it is actually about the developments in technology, style, and building materials. Found inside – Page 73In other words, architects are adept at pursuing opportunities to shape the built environment without much deference to their relatively limited control of ... architectonic. That is where the “&” symbol or the “+” symbol come into play. Any rule prescribing permitted or forbidden conduct, whether found in legislation or the actions of an administrative agency. Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (2 results) 3 syllables: circumflex, marchioness More ideas: — Try the advanced search interface for more ideas. master engineering mechanical engineer landscaper mathematician electrical engineer gehry entrepreneur theorist developer frank lloyd wright artist mastermind mason i. m. pei quantity surveyor masonry pen creator aalto adam alberti behrens bernini bramante breuer brunelleschi bullfinch burnham butterfield chambers delorme fuller garnier gilbert giotto hastings hoffmann horta hunt jenny jones … Carving, chasing, or embossing raised above a background plane. architectural adjective. Join now! The architect and homeowner first discuss the goals, needs, and function of the project, design expectations and available budget, applicable building code, and zoning regulations. Architectural Dictionary – 108 Words Used by Architects, Roles and Responsibilities of Architect in Construction. 4400+ Layered .PSD Architectural Backdrops . Understanding of these words is essential for construction professionals. architectural. Thanks to the nine pre-built websites that come with Arki, there’s a high chance that you’ll be able to find a suitable option here. Interior design vocabulary, Interior design word list - a free resource used in over 40,000 schools to enhance vocabulary mastery & written/verbal skills with Latin & Greek roots. The sanctuary of a classical temple, containing the cult statue of the god. A slight convex curvature is built into a truss or beam to compensate for any anticipated deflection so that it will have no sag when under load. articulation: a method or manner of jointing that makes the united parts clear, distinct, and precise in relation to each other. Found insidestandards but on standards of decorum related to social status: “... when ... Architecture, in other words, was a social practice, not an aesthetic object. An arcaded or colonnaded structure, open on one or more sides, sometimes with an upper level. Green buildings are becoming more and more popular every year. A crescent-shaped or semicircular area on a wall or vaulted ceiling framed by an arch or vault. The architect prepares more detailed drawings and finalizes the design plans, showing correct sizes and shapes for rooms. This groundbreaking book is the first thorough examination of the complex relationship between architecture and language as intricate social practices. Arcade (noun) A covered walkway lined by columns. Below is a list of trending, descriptive and action words that are often related to. captain, commander, 950 likes. The luminous flux density incident on a surface, i.e., the luminous flux per unit area. A part of the construction documents contained in the project manual consisting of written requirements for materials, equipment, construction systems, standards, and workmanship. But architecture can’t be reduced to a form of engineering, if we think architectural ideals, taste, and expertise contribute something over and above engineering facts, rules, and practical knowledge. Architects, builders, and realtors each measure square footage differently. Found insideArchitects understand scale primarily as proportional comparison, in other words, through its relationship to our bodies. The meaning of the Minotaur also ... # creativity , craft. See also synonyms for: architects. Take a look at these design terms. architecture. Found inside – Page 159I would give different advice to a young American architect than to a young ... in other words, dealing with the fact that the image of architecture is ... What is the tolerance for compression test results of concrete, according to the standards? Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are … .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. ARBOR. In contemporary architecture, a significant interior space, often skylighted, is used for circulation. An amendment to the construction contract signed by the owner, architect, and contractor that authorizes a change in the work or an adjustment in the contract sum or the contract time. Whether you are already on the cloud or just thinking about modernizing your current architecture for the cloud, this article will hopefully give you a decent grasp of how you can go about approaching it the right way — or at least a better way. Found inside – Page 348'Architectura autem et ex dispositione', followed by citation of terms related to composition (eurythmia and symmetria – the Greek words for two different ... It prepares schematic studies consisting of drawings and other documents illustrating the scale and relationships of the project components for approval by the owner. Arkhitekton – master builder, director of works, also known as an architect. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. originator. Welcome to the Word Architect game! Architects may also require understanding of sustainability, culture, law, business, materials, physics and other sciences. Architecture. An electrical connector that attaches the utility company's conductors to the customer's wiring. One of a continuous series of curves resembling segments of a circle used as a decorative element. If you’re majoring in a related field, you probably notice things about simple buildings that the majority of us would never consider important. January 2020. Found inside – Page 295other words, do you think that the precondition for Italian architecture is that its architects must remain at home and work immersed in the country and its ... David Allan Coe. Found inside – Page 203Neuroscience, Creativity, and Architecture Harry Francis Mallgrave ... each visual or tactile perception – engages both sensory circuits.61 In other words, ... Coronna Architects. Found inside – Page 67Joseph A. Demkin, The American Institute of Architects ... thoroughly research and understand the challenges In other words , teaming can do more than lead ... Just bookmark this page and use it as your design word cheat sheet. An open grating or latticework of either metal or wood. The architect prepares a written statement setting forth design objectives, constraints, and criteria for a project, including special requirements and systems and site requirements. A-frame. Descriptive of brick, lumber, or stone prepared, shaped, or finished by cutting, planing, rubbing, or sanding one or more surfaces. This suggests that, at root, the practice of architecture must involve engineering or related design. This is to maximize effectiveness by emphasizing on space planning and creation. Derived from the Latin word architectus, the main purpose of an architect is to produce a design for a physical structure that meets the aesthetic, structural, and safety factors that must go into the construction of any type of public building. Generally, an architect is invited to bid on a construction project... A hole, cavity, notch, slot, or recess cut into timber or another material usually receive a tenon. In the architectural industry, many people prefer to use their names as a company name. A semicircular or semipolygonal space usually in a church terminating an axis and intended to house an altar. Found inside – Page 406(At which point, in other words, do richer countries start determining the profile of the architectural workforce in poorer ones?) (Page 2 of 3) 9 short forms of Architect. Structure built of unusually large stones. Composition is the arrangement of design elements that form a whole image. You could write the word out but up until this point, you don’t have any graphics (and not everybody can have”Borson” as their last name). In classical architecture, an interior courtyard that is open to the weather. THE SCIENCE. In West Palm Beach, Related Southeast’s developments are making the community even more attractive to businesses, employees, residents and visitors alike—from 360 Rosemary’s innovative Class A office spaces to Rosemary Square’s diverse mix of shops, restaurants and cultural events to a forthcoming 21-story luxury residential tower featuring its own golf simulator and basketball court. Found inside – Page 1It and the related word architecture mean, the one highest, best, or chief builder, and the other highest, best, or chief building ; an architect or arch- ... A natural or artificial cave, often decorated with shells or stones and incorporating waterfalls or fountains. # creativity , craft. A designation reserved, usually by law, for a person or organization professionally qualified and duly licensed to perform architectural services. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Found insidethe boundaries of architecture by the very end of the 20th century, ... in Europe: in other words, architecture became more related to construction. A successful composition attracts the viewer and guides their eye across the design. Creating Creative Design . Jargon isn't meaningless—but it's avoidable. A multistoried shrine-like tower, originally a Buddhist monument crowned by a stupa. blueprint noun. A decorative or protective facing applied to the lower portion of an interior partition or wall. A hollow member or round concave molding containing at least the quadrant of a circle used in cornices. An architect's salary varies according to education, experience, and skills. Synonyms for design in Free Thesaurus. A recess in a wall usually contain a sculpture or an urn. A supplement to bidding documents issued before submitting bids to clarify, correct, or adding to the specifications previously published. A covered walk surrounding a court, usually linking a church to other buildings of a monastery. He may be a villain, but at least Scar is an, If we can tap into these enigmatic “neural codes”—the brain’s internal language—we could potentially become the, Anywhere you go as the country starts to reopen, there’s evidence of how small business owners, municipal employees and other people who aren’t trained, In more than 7,500 of 10,000 simulations, Democrat Hubert Humphrey, a lead author of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, defeated Republican Richard Nixon, one of the, Investors may take comfort in the likelihood that the, Manny Guaderrama, a former SDPD officer and the, NEURALINK’S WILDLY ANTICIPATED NEW BRAIN IMPLANT: THE HYPE VS. # creativity , craft. The external angle at the junction of two sloping roofs or sides of a roof. A. abut. Arcology is a word created by architect Paolo Soleri and is a combination of the words “architecture” and “ecology.” The purpose of an arcology was to have, ideally, absolutely no negative environmental impact.An arcology was not envisioned as a single home but rather an entire city that was totally in harmony with nature. Architect definition, a person who engages in the profession of architecture. A light open structure of trees or shrubs closely planted either twined together or self-supporting on … Architect definition: An architect is a person who designs buildings. The architect consults with the owner to determine the requirements of the project. HappyString. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. Here are the most important descriptive design words you should know: Design: composition, balance, proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast, white space, hierarchy defensive architecture. Architecture-Specific Jargon. Found inside – Page 144Having picked your font, you now have other font-related choices. This image may look familiar: it's part of the font menu for MS Word. Architectural acoustics with interior GFRC or GFRG panels is primarily applicable to the design of opera houses, concert halls, churches and other religious meeting spaces, convention centers, hotels and similar facilities. Architecture and building design. Architecture constructed in England during the reigns of James I, Charles I, Charles II, and James II (1603-1688); Jacobean architecture followed Elizabethan architecture, and preceded the English Renaissance architecture of Inigo Jones. architects. Last modified: 26th Jul 2021 Introduction: Community architecture is based around the idea of ‘self-build’. A narrow strip of wood applied to cover a joint along the edges of two parallel boards in the same plane. airport. We have listed all the similar and related words for wellness alphabetically. Google Voice Search for Architects. Architects also work with other related professionals, such as engineers, urban planners, landscape architects, construction representatives and interior designers. “Walkers are 'practitioners of the city,' for the city is made to be walked. Less is Better More . It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Found insideRelated to appearance, insight (or sight) may help understand the true meaning of a thing, often through intuition.98 Not unlike the word inspire, ... A material such as plywood placed on a subfloor provides a smooth, even surface for applying the finish. The AREs that distinguish an architect from other design professionals does not measure design abilities. 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