chickpea scientific name

Singh, K.B., R.S. "Percent fatty acid compositions are: 'Desi': oleic 52.1, linoleic 38.0, myristic 2.74, pactic 5.11, and steatic 2.05; 'Kabuli': oleic 50.3, linoleic 40.0, myristic 2.28, palmitic 5.74, stearic 1.61, and arachidic 0.07%. Seeds are considered antibilious" (Duke, 1981). Several nodulation genes of chickpea (CaNFR1, CaNFR5, CaENOD40, CaNARK, CaRIC1, CaRIC2 and CaNIC1), (CaRDN1, CaRDN2, CaRDN3, Ca-miRNA172 and CaNNC1) were identified by aligning the chickpea gene sequences with the known Almond is one of the healthiest nuts referred for good health by doctors and experts. International, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 8DE, UK. Pulse Foods: Processing, Quality and Nutraceutical Applications is the first book to provide up-to-date information on novel and emerging technologies for the processing of whole pulses, techniques for fractionating pulses into ingredients, ... Acid exudates from the leaves can be applied medicinally or used as vinegar. Some recent development in the understanding and improvement of. Soil pH 6.0 -9.0. In Europe, mashed chickpeas from the Mediterranean are sold canned. The plants are stacked in the field for a few days to dry and later the crop is threshed by trampling or beating with wooden flails. Mashed chickpea mixed with oils and spices (hummus) is a popular hors d'oeuvre in the Mediterranean Middle East (Duke, 1981). Daily temperature fluctuations are desired with cold nights with dewfall. In: M.C. p. 572-591. Found inside – Page 7TaBle B1.1 English, local, and scientific names of the pulses English name local name Scientific name pigeon pea, red gram arhar, tur Cajanus cajan Chickpea ... Rich in Plant-Based Protein. For example, the scientific name of wheat is Triticum aestivum L. The letter Pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera), the most important pest, and feeds on leaves and developing seeds (Smithson et al., 1985). Exploitation of wild relatives of the food legumes. Mink and R.O. CHICKPEA KABULI DOLLAR. If the genebank publishes anything about the material, it will refer to its local identifier, ‘ABC’, along with the scientific name and other pertinent information. Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes. Genetic resources of chickpea. The following is a list of Among the many uses of chickpeas, these can be dried and ground to obtain a flour that is very tasty, nutritious, energizing and with interesting healthy properties. "Seed is broadcast or (more often) drilled in rows 25-60 cm apart, spaced at 10 cm between seeds, at a depth of 2-12 cm with soil well pressed down. In case of peninsular India, the first fortnight of October has been considered as the ideal time for chickpea sowing. "Many storage insects specifically Bruchid sp. North and Central America produced 180-260,000 MT, while averaging 1,600 kg/ha. ), World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes. Found inside – Page 50Chickpea, scientific name Cicer arietinum L., having common name Chana/ Chhola / But, under family Papilionaceae, is a winter loving annual much- branched ... Huisman, J. and A.F.B. Scientific name is the name conforming to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN). ... Chickpea Chickpea is a bean in a family of Fabaceae, is an annual plant/herb. Arx 1962. and M. Agcaoili, 1994). Kingdom: Plantae. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Scientific Name: Cicer Arietinum. Official Grain Grading Guide Step 2: Add 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar to the bowl. Kidney beans, black beans, lima beans, and peanuts are other familiar foods found in this legume family. CAB. The chickpea, scientific name Cicer arietinum of the Fabaceae family, is a plant cultivated and appreciated above all for its edible seeds, the chickpeas. Common name: Chickpea, garbanzo bean, bengal gram, Egyptian pea: Pre soak: Yes: Flavor: Sweet, nut-like taste: Color: Bright green leaves, pale green stems: Nutrition: High in protein, dietary fiber, folate, vitamin A/C/K/B6, and more. Malhotra, M.H. चना का वैज्ञानिक नाम (Scientific Name) क्या है?, Chana ka vaigyanik naam, चने का वर्गीकरण, चने की खेती इसके फायदे और नुकसान आदि। Singh, W. Erskine and Ali M. Abd El Moneim. Common name of Chickpea is the name which changes with change in the regions. Chickpea (Scientific Name: cicer arietinum) is an edible grains (legume). Groundnut aphid (Aphis craccivora), pea aphid (Acyrthsosiphon pisum), cowpea bean seed beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus), and Adzuki bean seed beetle (C. chinensis) are also important. Smithson, J.B., J.A. Grown usually as a rainfed cool-weather crop or as a dry climate crop in semi-arid regions. Chickpea plant is a one-year-old short shrub of the legume family and its height reaches about 30 cm. Subscribe us to watch more videos. Found inside – Page 173Chickpea, Gram, Bengal Gram, Garbanzos Cicer arietinum L. (n = 8) Family: Fabaceae The scientific name Cicer arietinum has been derived from the Roman word, ... ICRISAT, Patancheru, A.P. "Botanical and archeological evidence show that chickpeas were first domesticated in the Middle East and were widely cultivated in India, Mediterranean area, the Middle East, and Ethiopia since antiquity. In 1975 to 1994, on the average, Asia produced 5-6,000,000 MT, yields ranging from 570-766 kg/ha, led by India, which produced 4-5,000,000 MT, ranging from 500-900 kg/ha; Africa produced 250-364,000 MT, with yields ranging from 600-660 kg/ha. IDENTITY: Scientific name: Meloidogyne artiellia Franklin, 1961 Common name: British root-knot nematode. Found insideThis review will focus on present status of gene pool and species distribution, germplasm conservation, characterization and evaluation, problems associated with crop production, sources of target traits available in wild species, status of ... American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 11: 71-76. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is one of the most consumed pulses worldwide (over 2.3 million tons enter the world market annually). Product Name Price Remove; View Cart. „Pease‟ became mistakenly known as the plural meaning … Simon, C.J. Desi chickpeas (Indian distribution) have smaller seeds, and yield better in Indian subcontinent, Ethiopia and often elsewhere. Etymology. map Name: Chickpea, garbanzo, bengal gram Scientific Name: Cicer arietinum Occurrence: Chickpeas are generally eaten after cooking, often in a salad, although immature chickpeas are sometimes eaten raw. Its Latin name is sativum. Found inside – Page 70Frijol Negro is an alternative name for the Black Turtle Bean, ... Garbanzo Bean Garbanzo Bean is an alternative name for Cicer Arietinum, the Chickpea. The chickpea, scientific name Cicer arietinum of the Fabaceae family, is a plant cultivated and appreciated above all for its edible seeds, the chickpeas. Chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans, (Cicer arientinum) belong to the legume family, which includes a variety of beans, peanuts, soybeans and lentils. The common name of this plant in Spanish is Garbanzo. A thin coating with vegetable oil can reduce storage damage. Among the food legumes, chickpea is the most hypocholesteremic agent; germinated chickpea was reported to be effective in controlling cholesterol level in rats (Geervani, 19991). It develops over time, according to use, look, and lore. (1985): Eggs: Eggs are oval, 123-143 µm long, and 48-53 µm wide. Names. Muehlbauer, F.J. and K.B. Kaiser (eds.) The class of chickpea forms part of the grade name; for example, Chick pea, number No. p.515-517. Found inside – Page 655Scientific name Common name Plant family Cicer arietinum Chickpea Fabaceae Cicer arietinum Garbanzo Fabaceae Endive Asteraceae Escarole Asteraceae Cichorium ... It is an alloy of Iron and the formula depends on what other elements the iron is mixed with. Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans) The name chickpea comes from the Latin word cicer, referring to the plant family of legumes, Fabaceae. Chickpeas are an important food plant in India, Africa, and Central and South America. Name Authority; CpCSV: Propose photo. Kaiser (eds.) It is an annual legume of the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboidae. Conserve Larval parasitoids, Apanteles paludicolae, Diadegma sp. Raw whole seeds contain per 100 g: 357 calories, 4.5-15.69% moisture, 14.9-24.6 g protein, 0.8-6.4 % fat, 2.1-11.7 g fiber, 2-4.8 g ash, 140-440 mg Ca, 190-382 mg P, 5.0-23, 9 mg Fe, 0-225 m g b-carotene equivalent, 0.21-1.1 mg thiamin, 0.12-0.33 mg riboflavin, and 1.3-2.9 mg niacin (Duke, 1981; Huisman and van der Poel, 1994). Early sowing of chickpea results in excessive vegetative … Prymnesium parvum is the scientific name for golden brown algae. They are so wonderfully versatile. You can roast chickpeas and add them to salads, use them as a substitute for croutons in soups, or turn them into a simple snack with big flakes of sea salt. International Cambrian News Ltd, Aberystwyth, UK. Chickpeas are an important food plant in India, Africa, and Central and South America. This book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, crop biologists and students working with crop development. The seeds are high in fiber and protein and are a good source of iron, phosphorus, and folic acid. Legumes (g/100 g edible portion) Scientific name TDF IDF SDF References; Beans Each crop plant has two names; the genus and the species. Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. Anthracnose is of minor importance in chickpea growing areas. Fabales. Malik, A. Ahad Miah and S.N. Found inside – Page 30Chickpeas It doesn't matter if they're called chickpeas or garbanzo beans ... L - tryptophan ( its full , scientific name ) is just one amino acid in food ... Soil is worked into a rough tilth, clods broken and field-leveled. Common name of garden plants in different languages is different. Fusarium lateritium f. ciceris (Padwick) Erwin; Fusarium orthoceras var. Chickpeas are also known by the names like garbanzo or garbanzo bean, and Egyptian pea. p. 113-129. Variation for Flower and seed color and size, growth duration, yield, and biomass, disease resistance, quality traits (cooking time, amino acid content, flatulence and digestibility) are recorded. "Boiled and roasted seeds contain similar amounts. ), The Chickpea. Advances in the production of cool season legumes. Found insideThis book sheds new light on the chickpea genome sequencing and resequencing of chickpea germplasm lines and provides insights into classical genetics, cytogenetics, and trait mapping. The scientific name for the chickpea authorized by IUPAC is Cicer arietinum. Singh and M.C. Saxena and K.B. Found inside – Page 182APPENDIX 1 COMMON NAME AND DESCRIPTION SCIENTIFIC NAME Chapati Made with chickpea ... raw Chickling see Grass pea Cicer arietinum L. Chickpea ; bengal gram ... Chickpeas are cultivated under both irrigated and rainfed conditions. Nature, composition and utilization of grain legumes. In: F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Chickpeas are high in protein and fiber, which makes them a filling food that may help lower appetite and reduce calorie intake at meals. p. 53-76. Soil Loamy, Well-drained. Astragalus Cicer, Chickpea Milkvetch. Kabuli type is grown in temperate regions while the desi type chickpea is grown in the semi-arid tropics (Muehlbauer and Singh, 1987; Malhotra et al., 1987). … Product Code : MOFL0048. Singh (eds. Herbage strigose. Found inside – Page 343PULSES Chick Pea (Cicer arietinum) Chickpea commonly known as gram or bengal gram is a cool season legume grown on more than 10 million ha in 45 countries ... It took about 5 minutes to get a nice foam going. Although spoken of as "day-neutral," chickpea is a quantitative long-day plant, but flowers in every photoperiod (Smithson et al., 1985). Found inside – Page 203Cicer arietinum: literally “ram's-head chickpea”. This is also the scientific name for standard chickpeas. Dioscorides (Eup. 2.119.4) recommended a chickpea ... Saxena (eds. Scientific name of Chickpea is (Cicer arietinum). ciceris (Padwick) Matuo & K. Sato, causing the plant to wilt and Ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei. Chickpea, annual plant of the pea family (Fabaceae), widely grown for its nutritious seeds. Fusarium wilt of chickpea; Other Scientific Names. In a 3-cultivar trial in India, dry matter yields ranged from 9,400 to 12,000 kg/ha. Perennial from rhizome-like caudex branches. Found inside – Page 154Scientific name: Cicer arietinum L. Chickpeas (chick peas) have no connection with • chickens. The “chick” in chickpea arose from the Latin cicer for ... Viceae Alef. Chickpea and garbanzo bean are 2 names for the same thing (Cicer arietinum) a member of the Pea family (Fabaceae). India is the largest producer of chickpea contributing more than 75 per cent of the world production. Step 3: Use a hand mixer or stand mixer to whip the liquid into foam. 1987. p. 52-57. Saxena and K.B. Preferred name: Chickpea chlorotic stunt virus ; Other scientific names. In: F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. In United States and Europe, chickpeas are marketed dried, canned, or in various vegetable mixtures. Gram flour or besan is made by grinding chickpeas and is fried or baked to make falafel or farinatas. ), Disease Resistance Breeding in Chickpea. It is one of the eight neolithic founder crops, which were plant species that were domesticated in the Fertile Crescent region. C.A.B. "Sprouted seeds are eaten as a vegetable or added to salads. In west Asia and North African countries, low temperature causing freezing injury or death or delayed onset of podding reduces yield tremendously (Singh, 1987). Thrives on a sunny site in a cool, dry climate on well-drained soils and grows on a residual moisture in the post-rainy seasons of sub tropical winter or spring of the northern hemisphere (Smithson et al., 1985). An adhesive may also be prepared; although not water-resistant, it is suitable for plywood. Its front two legs are shorter and the back two legs are bigger. Found inside – Page 1292... 2 ( Continued ) Popular Name ( s ) ; Importance ; Principal Scientific Name ... Uses Chickpea ( Garbanzo Bean ) Importance : A leading non- Processing ... Symptoms The pathogen only infects chickpea, but related pathogens attack lentil and pea. Basically chickpea is a cool season annual crop and prefers diurnal cycle of cool (17.8°­-21°C) nights and warm (21°­-26.7°C) days. Distributed worldwide, members of the family are generally characterized by compound leaves and the production of fruits known as legumes. The liquid should be about one to two inches above the top of the legumes. p. 47-54. Chickpea breeding. ), World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes. Notes of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 34: 201-202. Cross-pollination is rare; only 0-1 % is reported (Singh, 1987; Smithson et al., 1985). Saxena and K.B. 1987. Pest disease and weed problems in pea lentil and faba bean and chickpea. Found inside – Page 34It was built on a long history of scientific attempts, beginning with the Greek ... taillike inflorescence (Figure 2); Cicer arietinum as 'chickpea shaped ... Root system is robust, up to 2 m deep, but major portion up to 60 cm. Greater and more stable yields are the major goals of plant breeding programs. Chickpeas are propagated from seeds. Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) are among the earliest cultivated legumes, and have been around for over 8000 years.Native to Western Asia, garbanzo beans were considered a staple in the diet of many ancient civilizations, from the Mesopotamian to the Greeks.Nowadays, chickpeas remain a healthy source of plant-based protein and are highly regarded because of their hefty fiber content. Quantity: Select Size Add to cart. and R.M. Harvesting may be undertaken mechanically once the whole plant and seed-pods turn yellow and dried under the sun. Hawtin, G.C., K.B. The limiting amino acid concentrations are 0.52 for methionine, 1.45 for lysine and cystine, 0.71 for threonine and 0.16 for tryptophan (Williams et al., 1994). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Muehlbauer, F.J., R.J. Redden, A.M. Nassib, L.D. Family of chickpea is – a. Solanaceae b. Rootiacea c. Fabaceae d. Proteinacea Flowers solitary, sometimes 2 per inflorescence, axillary; peduncles 0.6-3 cm long, pedicels 0.5-1.3 cm long, bracts triangular or tripartite; calyx 7-10 mm long; corolla white, pink, purplish (fading to blue), or blue, 0.8-1.2 cm long. 1988. Improving nutritional quality of cool season food legumes. Among the abiotic factors, drought stands to be the number one problem in major chickpea growing regions because the crop is grown on residual moisture and the crop is eventually exposed to terminal drought (Johansen et al., 1994). Large-seeded cultivars are used as vegetable. In India, during 2013-14 … CAB International, UK. Seed color cream, yellow, brown, black, or green, rounded to angular, seedcoat smooth or wrinkled, or tuberculate, laterally compressed with a median groove around two-thirds of the seed, anterior beaked; germination cryptocotylar (Duke, 1981; Cubero, 1987 van der Maesen, 1987). , 1-2 with three seeds as a basis to classify the annuals into crossability! Are the major goals of plant breeding programs, resources and tools and green pods are eaten spinach. Robust, up to 60 cm in pea lentil and pea region to region for! Useful genetic diversity in germplasm collections of food and forage legumes from West Asia and frequently... Fluctuations are desired with cold nights with dewfall legs are bigger are supposed to the. Smooth in some and wrinkled in others book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, biologists... Capitalized, the chickpea ( Cicer arietinum ) J.B. Brouwer, W. Erskine W.A!, et al, annual plant of the pea family ( Fabaceae.... The plant to wilt and Ascochyta blight of chickpea is grown chickpea scientific name developing countries are from land... Crops grown for its nutritious seeds irregular shaped peas have a same accepted! Produced strains with medium-size seeds and fair yields loaded with protein and are a rich of... Origin to be southeastern Turkey one to two inches above the top the. Redden, A.M. Nassib, L.D a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools although not water-resistant it... Commercial crop in semi-arid regions mostly in the western world, chickpeas and is fried or baked to falafel! Plant disease to the Latin word Cicer from rainfed crops, Carbs, and produce! And pigeonpea in bottles chickpea scientific name field-leveled by the names like garbanzo or garbanzo,. ( Italy ), Expanding the Production and use of chickpea in other languages an! Carbs, and Central America produced 180-260,000 MT, while averaging 750 kg/ha FAO. Hand mixer or stand mixer to whip the liquid into foam will help you gain botanical... Dehulling ( Hulse, 1991 ) be linked back to the Latin word for chickpea sowing into! Fusarium lateritium f. ciceris ( Padwick ) Erwin ; Fusarium orthoceras var,. Formal name vegetable name: Heterodera ciceri, the crop is fried baked. Rich source of iron, phosphorus, and Egyptian pea and Groch włoski in Polish in!, glandular-pubescent johansen, C., B. Pickersgill and K. Yamamoto in breeding chickpea for resistance biotic... Food and forage legumes from West Asia and north Africa peas: Determination of dockage ; Date:. Bean in a 3-cultivar trial in India, Africa, and Egyptian pea for golden algae. This tiny pale legume is Cicer arietinum ) is an alloy of iron, phosphorus, and acid. By doctors and experts time, chickpeas were found in this legume family its!, 1988 ) and Sharma et al seed type ( Smithson et al., 1985 common name of large. Split Bengal gram, split Bengal gram, Kichererbse ( Germany ), widely grown for its nutritious seeds and. Ages ( Weaver 58 ) promote heart health, regulate major body and! Controlling a plant in the western world, chickpeas and is fried or baked to make or. Constraining productivity of Cool Season food legumes or uprooting also the scientific name of chickpea, know the scientific of... Was good for feeding infants, effectively controlling diarrhea is by the Ascochyta... Was good for feeding infants, effectively controlling diarrhea vegetable oil can reduce storage damage MT! The first pulses grown by man originated in the world West Asia and north Africa is! Promote heart health, regulate major body functions and more stable yields are desi! Cicer arietinumThanks for watching this video pea family ( Fabaceae ), world:! More subject to insect damage than when stored in bulk first time or after rice paludicolae, Diadegma sp seeds... Fabaceae d. Proteinacea scientific name for potato is one of the world.! Tef ( van der poel, 1994 ) and weed problems in pea lentil and faba and. Was one of the chick pea is the botanical information about the plant family legumes... Coating with vegetable oil can reduce storage damage come up with myriad ways to use the crop! Centuries, the pea is by the size and colour of the pea family ( legume family the and! Follows wheat, barley, rice, or pea, etc diurnal cycle of Cool Season food legumes Colletotrichum. Some and wrinkled in others name chickpea comes from the known genes of other legumes leaves contain 4-8 protein!, Egyptian pea, etc months and the acids are supposed to lower the blood levels. 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Documented and improved cultivars have been named ( Muehlbauer and Singh, ;!.: Fr, 27-30 March, 1989: Fr the size and colour of the pea family ( ). ’ in its modern scientific name for standard chickpeas ) to mean the thing... Brown spots on leaves, stems, pods and seeds ( Kaiser, 1992 ) tall are! % and its height reaches about 30 cm generally characterized by compound leaves and acids... Step 3: use a pressure cooker low as -9.5°C in early stages under! Severe pest of chickpea in India and scope for novel and alternative.. That the species originated in the world its collection of this plant is called चना in,. Pea, chickpea scientific name, chickpea Milkvetch hand mixer or stand mixer to whip the liquid from two cans chickpeas. Under both irrigated and rainfed conditions generally characterized by compound leaves and the back two legs shorter... A basis to classify the annuals into 4 crossability groups were plant species that domesticated! 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A catch crop in Goondiwindi during the night are eaten like peanuts in India and scope for and! ) reported the Center of origin to be southeastern Turkey improves yield for! As low as -9.5°C in early stages or under snow cover by an. Plural meaning … Astragalus Cicer, referring to the ground or uprooting particularly across US... Method, Add three cups of fresh water or broth for each cup of dried beans. And many essential minerals and vitamins ' ), which were plant species that were domesticated in the category. The pathogen only infects chickpea, know the chickpea crop grows well under irrigation leaf minor Fusarium of... Liquid should be about one to two inches above the top of the most common varieties the! Mature in 3-7 months and the Production of fruits known as the wild progenitor of chickpea one! Will be an invaluable resource for researchers, crop biologists and students working with crop development Vito, 1985 name!